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Two weeks after.

"Hey, stop bothering me! I am packing our things, Haruto!" I shouted when I felt Haruto behind me blowing my ears. He is in his pajamas now and looks like a kid giggling over the thought of a beach party tomorrow.

It's Junkyu's birthday.

He threw himself on the bed as he hugged me from the back. I smiled as I continued putting my clothes in a small luggage.

"We deserve this. We just went through a lot these weeks, I feel like I am tortured really bad." Haruto uttered with so much drama in his voice, trying to sound really tired. We just finished our final exams for this school year, and I can't believe we are going to face the reality, we are going to college.

"Stop exaggerating, you didn't even study that hard you dramatic kid." I said laughing, he started punching me because I kept telling him the same thing whenever he says he is exhausted about the examination. I just love seeing him grumpy.

"Why do you always say that? I studied hard!"

I laughed as I zipped the luggage and faced him. I stared at him and pinched his cheeks.

"I'm just kidding around, fool. I know you studied hard, stop rubbing it to my face already, tsk." He just chuckled and hugged me instead.

"Hey hey hey, you are not sleeping here. Go back to your room, this isn't working," I said pushing him away from my bed. He frowned and pouted.

"No." I said with finality.

"Please? I think I need to sleep with you so that I'll know when to prepare for tomorrow."

"What a lame excuse. Get your luggage with you back to your room now. I'll wake you up."

He sighed accepting his defeat.

"I never won." he scratched his head pulling his luggage.

"You won my heart." I teased him. He rolled his eyes at me. This guy giving me attitude really.

"I'll believe that if you let me sleep here."

"I don't care if you believe me or not. Get out now, I'm sleepy already." I said as I tucked in myself inside my blanket.

"Fine. Goodnight, Woo. Should I turn off the lights for you?" he said with his usual sweet voice.

I nodded my head. "Thank you, Haru. I love you."

He smiled widely. "Your I love you still amuse me." he said as he finally turned off the light.

We woke up early to prepare for the trip. Everything is prepared since Mom planned it ahead of time, of course it was me who asked her for help. Sadly she can't really go with us, the usual thing, I and my brother get used to it.

"Is everything settled now?" Hyunsuk shouted as he hopped in the bus with his sunglasses. Jihoon started teasing him.

"You are trying to look the coolest here, huh. Get out." Everyone laughed as we stared at him wearing Junkyu's neon jumper paired with neon hat.

"Well, since you're here I think I won't be the one with the ugliest getup." Hyunsuk rebutted and both of them continued bickering at the back. I just shooked my head.

"Haruto is still inside." I said, all eyes on me they started saying I'm blushing.

"Stop looking like a lovely in love young boy with his boyfriend. It's sickening." Jihoon said with bitterness.

"Get yourself a girlfriend already, hyung. You are making our relationship a dudge ball of your hopelessness in love." I said trying to annoy the older more. I saw him acting all heartbroken with what I've said. I chuckled a bit.

"Woo, Jihoon is starting to get all teary eye." Jaehyuk said tapping Jihoon's back.

"What's taking Haruto so long?" Junkyu asked. He is being impatient today, and we all know it's because Mashiho didn't greet him yet. It's part of the plan, Mashiho is his surprise birthday party.

And probably Haruto is still inside because he is talking to his brother about the plan.

"Oh grumpy birthday boy. Your beloved Mashiho is clueless. Should I call him and ask him to greet you?" Jihoon started teasing my brother again. This trip will be so boring if this nuisance is not around.

"Stop annoying me Jihoon! He is not clueless! He knows today is my birthday, why are you trying to sabotage him, do you like me?"

We all laughed and Jihoon choked.

"Okay, let's get it on." Haruto hopped in. I was mesmerized again by his handsomeness. I've never seen Haruto in trunks before, and he looks good in that black bohemian polo with two unbuttoned bottons.

"Someone's about to droll." Yoonbin snapped at me and Haruto winked at him.

"I gotcha, dude." He said throwing salutes to Yoonbin trying to tease me. They are at it again.

"Jeongwoo never gets tired of me, really. I am just a perfect catch and I doubt if he will let go of me." Haruto said proudly taking the seat beside me.

"Oh you can't be so sure, Haruto. Your boyfriend is one the most complicated persons." Doyoung joked but I saw Haruto started frowning.

"Where's the joke there, Dobby?" Yedam asked trying to warn our friend.

"Joke." Doyoung said giving me a peace sign. I laughed.

"You are so handsome, Haru." that was supposed to be a whisper but everyone hears it since I said it out loud.

"Okay, Haruto has a point though." And everyone of us just laughed at it.

We arrived at the resort around 9:00AM, everyone decided to take some rest in their respective hotel rooms and go out at exactly 10:00AM, but that was just an excuse so that I can contact Mashiho and for others to settle their own tasks for Junkyu's surprise party. Junkyu is in his room in the second floor and I know he is completely clueless, he really isn't someone observant.

Some of us went outside already to eat because of hunger. I saw Junkyu sitting in front of the sea. I smiled because both of us love the sound of waves since we were young.

"Go to your brother, Jeongwoo. Console him because this is your idea," Yoonbin chuckled. They are all in the table already and picking their own foods. I laughed and just nodded my head.

"Getting emotional, hyung?" I asked and sit at the sand with him. He smiled.

"Sometimes I can't help not to think if I and Mashiho will really end up together..." I stared at him. My brother never really shares something deep especially if it's about him. He is secretive most of the times and I respect his privacy.

"We are apart. We rarely see each other. I trust him with all my heart... But we don't hold the future. Thinking of the possibility that I might be someone he will learn about love but it's not going to be me at the end hurts so much."

That hit me. I never thought he has this kind of thoughts.

"I'm so sure about Mashiho. But I'm too incompetent for him." hearing those words from my brother made me hear Haruto's voice... He always tells me before how much I make him feel insecure.

"Hyung... You are not incompetent. You are such a good boyfriend to Mashiho. I've seen all your efforts all these years, beyond being competent... the pureness of your love for him is the most important thing."

He smiled and held my hand. "You are really growing." the sadness in his eyes was too painful to handle. I know he is being too harsh with himself these days, I can't interfere with his personal matters the way he understands he can't with mine.

"Take care of your heart, okay. I trust you and Haruto. But always know that possibilities are always painful. It's either it will strengthen or destroy both of you. I am still learning to accept that, you are smart, you know better."

He stood up, I looked up to him as I accepted his hand. He helped me get up.

"Just like this, even though I'm breaking my own heart, I will always pick you up first before myself."

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