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I woke up with Haruto's tight hug, it was tighter than yesterday night, it was as if he's scared. I look up to him because even though I'm tall, he is always taller than me. His eyes is shut, lips pursed with its sexy curve, his face shining through the ray of the sun, I am more captivated. I was taken aback when he slowly opened his eyes and our gazes met.

It's awkward for me. I don't know why it looks like he is cool with it... that's weirder, I think.

I felt him pulling me closer to him, his warm overwhelmed me so much, it feels like a total nostalgia.

He embraced me like a little baby in his arms.

"Jeongwoo. Did you miss me?" his voice sounds so full of longing, in between of this overwhelming hug I can imagine him pouting.

"I missed you..." I responded, he unclasped his arms around my hips to face me.

"Why did you miss me..." his voice tickles me, it's like teasing me to confess how miserable I am without him.

I gulped. I'm too embarassed to tell him.

"I missed you too... like hell. My life was like a hell without you, Jeongwoo. You don't have any idea how hard it was to cope up with life without seeing you, touching you... loving you. It's like an everyday living as if I'm dying..."

tears fell down on his cheeks, his voice started shaking, it was like seeing the young haruto ranting about life.

I bit my lips to prevent myself from sobbing, it's really painful for me to hear him say these things... I was expecting him to dislike me, disgust me and ignore me because I feel like it's a tiny way to compensate with the pain I caused him.

"I'm sorry..." he said next to crying. I started shaking my head.

"No, Haruto... It was never your fault. You don't owe me an apology, it's me... who owes you that." I cried. Why do he needs to be this kind... I feel so bad.

"I'm sorry I had to leave you." he said, his gaze striked right to mine.

"I pushed you to leave... and I hurted you. I'm sorry..." I said with my head bowed down because I'm crying so hard that it pains me to let him see.

"My mom..."

I stopped crying and readied myself to listen.


I froze. I couldn't find any fit words to respond to it.

"Haruto! Please, come home already." I can hear Mashiho pleading. My mom died... She died.

"Hyung... Please, give me some time... Jeongwoo needs me now, he needs my support, please. He will take the exam I need to be there." I cried. I want to see my mom but I can't leave Jeongwoo.

"Haruto..." Mashiho is crying, I know he understands. I will go home, I will see my mom for the last time.

I don't know how to comfort myself, I can't tell Jeongwoo now because he's too busy with his review, I can't bother him with this heavy concern, I should be the one supporting him now... I will keep my own pain for the meanwhile, I will tell him after the exam.

"Haruto, let's go home and see your mom..." Hara started shaking me. I went to a bar to let a drink lessen my pain, I pulled her here because she keeps insisting to bring me at the airport because she already bought us tickets.

"Why do you keep worrying about that guy? How about your mom? How about me, Haruto? I'm a girl! You should marry a girl!" she started nagging. I ignored her and kept drinking... they said alcohol can help, why... why do I feel more miserable?

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