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I woke up with a heavy heart and dizziness took over me as I only got one hour of sleep and I haven't eaten dinner last night because I'm so deluged with the paper works Jeongwoo tasked me to do. It was hard to understand everything I read and I still kinda sucked in korean making it harder for me to construct a good bookmark. He might just throw it- I just shrugged the thought away as I remember the picture of him and Mingyu together. I suddenly felt the anger again or should I say jealousy. I arranged the printed documents I made and stapled it neatly. I'm just mad but I still want to help Jeongwoo with his research paper. I can't resist him.

I took a quick shower and dressed up. I went outside to find out Jeongwoo left already and Junkyu is in the kitchen having an oatmeal.

"Good morning, hyung." I said trying to show him a smile. He furrowed his brows.

"Why do you look pale, Haru?" he asked. I pressed my lips with my hand and I also realized it's really dry. I must be hydrated or what, I'm not sure about it too.

"U-uhm, it must be because of the lipbalm I used, hyung. It's kinda not so good brand, I guess." I faked a laugh and he slowly nodded his head as he was convinced with my lame excuse.

"Did Jeongwoo leave already?" I asked when I went over the sink to drink water. I heard him sighed.

"Yeah. We fought last night and it looks like he is avoiding me." He answered with a low tone making sense why he is frowning early in the morning.

I just stared at him as I wait for him to drop some information why they fought.

"It's because of Mingyu, the cool kid. You know him, right?" he asked making me avoid eye contact with him. I feel bad when I hear that name and yes, annoyed.

"Yes, I know him." I answered trying to sound natural but ended up sounds like angry. Junkyu raised his brow.

"Yah, Haruto. Aren't you here because of Jeongwoo?" sounds like reminding me why I am here, I feel disappointed with myself because I look so out of the league. I can't even tell Jeongwoo how much I am hurting with our situation.

Eyes on the floor, I nodded my head. I'm here for him but he can't see that.

"Are you going to watch that cool kid take Jeongwoo away from you?"

"Of course not, hyung. If I can even drag Jeongwoo away from him, I will. If I can be greedy, I want him to only have his eyes on me. But... I just can't. I'm such a coward." Truth be told, Jeongwoo just slapped me the fact that when it comes to him, it takes a lot of courage to be brave for my love for him because the distance and gap between us is so hard to break. And it weakens me every single day.

"Yah, don't lose hope! I know right time will come for everything to work according to how it was destined." Junkyu tapped my back trying to cheer me up.

-I saw Jeongwoo talking with Mingyu at the hallway of our building. I suddenly felt the pain in my heart again watching them for the second time around being happy. I tightened my grip with the books I am holding when I felt someone coiled her hand in my arms.

"Yah, boyfie!" Yuki shouted attracting some attention from the students passing by. I just stared at her and she just show me a smile.

"Why did you stop walking?" she is now walking so fast dragging me with her. I saw Jeongwoo looking at both of us now as we are approaching the classroom.

I just let Yuki with what she is doing because I know she's stubborn and won't listen to me anyways.

"Excuse us." Yuki said with a tone trying to piss the two person. Mingyu raised his brow at Yuki and I saw Yuki giving him back the sharp looks.

"You got a problem, Mr. Transferee?" I nudged Yuki to stop her from attracting a fight. I saw Jeongwoo's brows met as he just watched me and Yuki with his cold gaze.

Mingyu gave way when Jeongwoo told him "let them in."

Yuki once again dragged me inside the classroom leaving the others. I don't know why it's painful to watch Jeongwoo doesn't really bother about my existence at all. Well, why am I not learning yet? He won't really care, I guess.

Mr. Kwon arrived with a huge smile in his lips. I somehow feel envious with how he can afford to smile like that as if he got no problem with life.

"So today, I want to tell you that I concluded we'll be having a class debate to exercise your own thoughts and ability to build arguments." he said with excitement. Debate? gotta back out and leave it on my groupmates if ever.

"And I come up with the decision to have Yuki and Jeongwoo as the team leaders." the class started exclaiming and sharing their thoughts to which group should they go. Majority wants to be part of Jeongwoo's group. I saw Yuki frowned maybe thinking no one will choose her.

"I will let the leaders manage the group and divide it into three sub group since we'll be having three subjects for our class debate." Mr. Kwon continued.

"And I will let you choose your group." Jeongwoo is now smiling feeling confident that a lot of our classmates will go to him. Isn't it a bit unfair? I just thought.

Mr. Kwon started calling names to choose a group and I already decided which group to go.

Right now, Jeongwoo got twenty of the class meanwhile Yuki got three.

"Watanabe Haruto." Mr. Kwon called my name. Jeongwoo and Yuki is now staring at me.

"Which group do you want?" Mr. Kwon asked. I answered quickly without hesitation.

"Yuki's group, sir." that made the class howl in unison and started teasing us again. I saw how Jeongwoo gritted his teeth avoiding my gaze.

"Yah, thank you." Yuki whispered in my ears, I just winked at her and said "You got me." that made her laugh. Yuki told me that she sees me as her brother and everything is clear between us, we don't like each other.

In the end, Jeongwoo got twenty of the class and Yuki got fifteen.

Mr. Kwon dismissed us right away after that announcement giving us more time to discuss about the topics we will tackle for the debate.

Our group gathered in one place when Jeongwoo called me with an angry tone. He's at it again.

"Yah, where's the bookmarks I asked you to do?" everyone is now watching the two of us. He looks upset, really upset.

I hand over to him the folders I have and he just rolled his eyes as he left our table.

"Is it okay, now?" Yuki asked.

"Yes, we can discuss now."

"Yah, Haruto!" Jeongwoo yelled at me motioning me to come over him with his eyes. The members looked at me as I just told them to continue with the discussion.

"What kind of trash is this? Is making a bookmark hard?!" Jeongwoo raised the folder in my face.

"I'm sorry, I'm not as smart as you are, that's why." I responded bitterly. I saw how his expression changed.

"There's no way you can compare me with you but at least make a useful bookmark." full of himself he blurted. Unexpectedly he slapped me the papers making it scratch my face. Then he just left just like that.

Our classmates are looking at me pitifully, they saw how Jeongwoo just treated me like I'm under him, but that's not what's hurting me- he just physically hurted me.

"Yah, it's bleeding Haruto." Yuki said as she went over me to check the scratch I got. I just shooked my head.

"I'm fine, this is not so serious." I gulped.

Yuki left the room and I know she will make a fuss again.


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