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We roamed around the amusement park and ate a lot of foods. It's been a long time since I tried street foods since Mom is being a vegetarian that I can't even pick my own choice of foods, oh well, mothers know best.

We found a stall that offers varieties of foods such as tteokbokki, fishcake, odeng, hoteok, gimbap and jajangmyeon. I ordered them all and Haruto looked so surprised, I don't care if he end up broke after this. He chose to treat me, after all.

"You both look good. Are you two dating?" I throttled with what the middle-age lady said when she hand us the jajangmyeon. Haruto avoided my gaze and I tried to fake a laugh.

"We're best friends. The best of friends." I replied with a giggle. 'I hope we can be more than that though'.

"That's where things starts to grow, in friendship." she gave us a meaningful smile. I shooked my head as I laughed with her expression.

Haruto just bowed his head as he shyly shooked his head slightly.

"Okay, enjoy your food." she smiled at me again. She really knows how to tease young and innocent people.

"Yah, make sure you eat all of them." Haruto said as he pointed all the foods in our table. I winked at him.

"You should trust me when it comes to foods."

We started eating silently, world is in peace whenever we are eating. slurping, biting foods is what we all do.

I find out that the middle-age woman is Mrs. Kim, she owns many restaurants in Korea yet she chose to manage this stall because this is where she started learning how to make money. This is her first stall.

"Here." she handed me a card with her restaurant's name located in Seoul. She smiled at me when Haruto just watched over us who's already outside.

"Find this restaurant when you're finally dating that handsome guy." she gave me a naughty smile as she patted my back gently.

"Do you think I can possibly date him?" I whispered. She laughed at me as she patted my head.

"Believe in me, he will love to date a guy like you." she gave me a comforting smile. I feel like I found a person who trust in me.

I gave her a smile as she watched over me going out of her place.

"What did she say?" Haruto asked. I shrugged.

"Nothing important." I replied.

The sky is now in dim, as the stars started shining brightly. I did not notice that it's already evening. We took so much time playing games.

Haruto is in silence and I can't even figure out what's making him serious. The lights in the amusement park glimmered.

"Jeongwoo, come with me." he stood up and offered me his hand. I looked up to him with my puzzled expression. Come with him where?

"Just come with me. You have no choice though." he said. He is now holding my hand dragging me somewhere.

"Yah Haruto, where are we going?" I asked him.

He stopped for the meanwhile when he realized something.

"I forgot the blindfold." he said scratching his head. He took a handkerchief in his pocket and put it to cover my eyes.

"Why there's a need for that?" I asked.

"Just go with the flow, Woo." he said. I can't remember any special occasion for this day or did I forget something?

Haruto is guiding me, giving me signals when to stop or when to walk slowly.

I am really clueless with this. He is not fond of surprises, I'm not even sure why is he doing this and for what.

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