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Jeongwoo woke up when he felt the sudden headache because of the medicine injected to him this morning. He slowly opened his eyes still feeling dizzy as he can feel a hand holding his hand tightly as if it's afraid he'll be gone. He stared at the guy sleeping peacefully beside his bed, snoring cutely looking like an angel guarding him from danger.

Haruto moved as he woke up and saw that Jeongwoo is staring at him that made his heart jumped.

"Jeongwoo, you're awake now." his voice sounded so happy that it made him hugged Jeongwoo. 'I was afraid, woo.'

Jeongwoo let the older hug him since he got no energy to give a fight and push him away. He can hear Haruto sniffing as he avoided his gaze when he let go of him.

"Junkyu hyung is just outside paying for the bill. The doctor said you can go home right as you woke up."


Silence took over the room as Haruto is just examining Jeongwoo's expression- he don't know what's running in the younger's mind making him more speechless.

"I'm sorry." Haruto just uttered. He don't know exactly what he felt about last night but he can see that Jeongwoo don't trust him anymore that he made him remember the dark pass he don't have any knowledge about.

He cried so hard that night overthinking things that what if him sticking around with Jeongwoo will just bring the bad memories back. He almost want to just go home and leave Jeongwoo alone but he realized that running away again because he's not sure about things won't help. He's really taking up so much time, he haven't made a move to show his love for Jeongwoo and now he is planning to cut it off already? That's so coward of him he thought.

"Sorry for?" Jeongwoo asked as he raised his brow. Haruto bowed down his head.

"For everything, I guess." he said.

"Sorry is just for the things you admit you've done. You are not sure what you are sorry for so I don't know if you deserve my forgiveness for something unclear." Jeongwoo just said with bitterness. He was hoping Haruto will spit it out, tell him the things he's sorry for just to let him know that he's not angry for nothing. Maybe he can forgive Haruto if he will. But now, he can see that Haruto is not sure what his faults are.

"How can I repay you?" Haruto asked. The younger boy sighed seeing how desperate Haruto is.

"I've never given you anything, there's nothing to repay."

"Jeongwoo, it's okay if you won't give me a good treatment but can you just let me take care of you because I really care..."

Jeongwoo froze. Haruto begging for things is unusual, he used to be like 'if they don't want me, i don't want them too.' but now he is doing all he can just to stick around with him making him feel clueless what Haruto is up to.

"I can even hire myself as your slave, Jeongwoo." Haruto said.

Jeongwoo felt like the older is playing around with him again after three years and now he thought it's time to play a game too. He lost the game three years ago, 'now is the time to win it, maybe.'

"Sure. You said it yourself, you are willing to do that." Jeongwoo said with firmness.

Haruto nodded his head three times making Jeongwoo see that he is serious. But the younger's mind is all about playing.

"You're not a friend nor my co-trainee way back. You're a slave." Jeongwoo said. His heart suddenly ached as he called Haruto 'slave'. But he just want to make Haruto feel bit of his experience way back.

"What are you guys talking?" Junkyu interrupted as he entered the room with a serious atmosphere. Jeongwoo just smiled at him saying it's no big deal. Junkyu glanced at Haruto just to find out the kid is smiling from ear to ear.

'You won't like me treating you like a slave, Haruto. I just hope this will make you want to go home instead.'

The next day

"Jeongwoo! Let me carry your bag." Haruto pulled Jeongwoo's bag in his hand. Jeongwoo let him do so since he looks like he got a lot of energy to carry everything for him.

"Will you carry me too? my foot hurts." Jeongwoo said with a lie- he is testing Haruto's patience but Haruto suddenly sit in front of him motioning him to a piggy back.

"what a obedient slave is this" jeongwoo whispered to himself making Haruto asked "you said something, woo?"

"Nothing. Carry me now."

Haruto managed to carry Jeongwoo since the kid is not heavy at all. His heart feels like it's in race as he can feel Jeongwoo's breath in his ears, his soft hands in his neck making him tickle in joy.

"Jeongwoo, tell me until when you want me to be your slave, I'll be fine with it." Haruto said smiling, this is not a problem with him but a way to show how much he can do for Jeongwoo.

"If you want, until you die." Jeongwoo said with a cute giggle. The kid did not notice that he just giggled.

"Cute." Haruto chuckled as Jeongwoo spanked him.

Again, Haruto and Jeongwoo attracted a lot of attentions when they entered the school.

"Why are you carrying that brat? He is not disable yet, Haruto!" Jihoon shouted as he saw them passing by the hallway. Jeongwoo just shrugged his shoulders and laughed with his hyung's face.

"Put me down now." Jeongwoo commanded when they already reached the hallway of their building.

"Yes sir!" Haruto said being so hypher.

Haruto entered the classroom next to Jeongwoo when he saw Yuki struggling to reach for the uppermost part of the ceiling as she is cleaning the class bulletin board. He was about to tell the lady to get down because she might fall when suddenly Yuki slipped down her foot from the chair where she is standing making Haruto ran immediately to catch her.

"Oh my gosh!" Yuki exclaimed with her eyes closed. Their classmates saw Haruto carrying Yuki, some took pictures.

"Haruto is a man!" Some boys shouted.

Yuki and Haruto locked gazes, Yuki can't feel her heart anymore the moment she met Haruto's powerful gaze.

"Are you okay?" Haruto asked as he saw Yuki spacing out while staring at him.


"Put her down now, Haruto!" Jeongwoo shouted that made others looked at him in surprise. That was the first time they heard Jeongwoo screamed.

Haruto immediately put Yuki down as he bowed down to excuse himself.

"Woah, Jeongwoo are you jealous that Haruto carried Yuki? I thought you dumped her already." Warren teased the kid. Some of their classmates started teasing Yuki with the both guys.

"Woah, hitting two birds with one stone."

'She likes Jeongwoo?' Haruto asked himself.

Jeongwoo pulled Haruto and whispered something "don't lay even a finger to her."

Haruto nodded his head as he thought "Does he likes Yuki too?"

🌹another lame update! i'm sorry!

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