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It's already 7:00 in the evening here and everyone is watching me packing my things for my flight tomorrow morning. I don't know what's with my brothers that they are awkwardly crying in my bed.

"Guys, aren't you gonna stop crying? I thought all of you want me to be gone already?" I said jokingly. Mashiho hyung glared at me still have tears in his eyes.

"Of course we still want you around, Haru." Mahiro hyung said covering his face as he started crying harder. Oh my goodness, why are they making me feel guilty?

"Just make sure to behave yourself there, Haruto. We can't be there to scold you." Yoshinori hyung said trying his best not to make his voice sounds cracked. I smiled as I looked at them being so gloomy. I guess they just really love this hard-headed handsome kid. Yes, I'm talking about myself.

"Please don't be a trouble-maker, you are 18 years old already so act your age, be mature." Keita said as he avoided my gaze. My brothers might look so hard outside but I know that they all have a soft heart.

"Don't worry, hyungs. I will try to do your advices." I said laughing trying to brighten up the mood.

"We are not joking here, Haruto. Listen to us for these are also for your welfare. You can't expect the guys to just watch over you there, right?"

"Mashiho is right, Haruto. Be mindful of your actions, don't make it too hard for the guys having you around. Especially to Jeongwoo." Keita hyung said. I sighed.

"Okay okay, I understand your point hyungs. I will not bring trouble there and will behave myself so stop babbling things now." I said.

"Guys, can you leave me and Haruto alone for the meanwhile?" Mashiho hyung said, they just nodded their head with the command.

I feel the awkward atmosphere as Mashiho hyung sitted himself in my bed.

"Haruto. You know that we still owe the guys, right?" Mashiho asked. I stared at him as he stared at me. We both know that we owe the other members big time... I owe them a lot.

"Just... be good to them." Mashiho said with calmness in his voice.

"If ever something bad happens, call me right away." He said as he flashed a smile to me.

"You know that I don't want you to carry heavy emotions alone. Whatever you encounter there, tell me. If ever someone hurts you, tell me." he said trying his best not to cry. I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. I covered my face as I feel embarrassed crying.

"If ever things didn't go the way you wanted it to be, come home. Give it up as you already tried your best."

'Why the hell hyung is saying these things?....' I asked at the back of my mind.

"If Jeongwoo.... did not accept your love, don't force it, okay? Let it be. Let him be." that moment, I broke down.

I know he knows how much I love Jeongwoo. I'm not vocal about it but I know he is secretly watching over me stalking the guy I love for five years already. It was hard, loving him from afar, seeing him succeed and watching how much he improves without me by his side. I've been unfair to him and I don't know if coming back will be a good decision but it's now or never... or else I will lose this hope I have in me.

Mashiho embraced me as he patted my back.

"I know you're coming for him. Do it right, Haru."

I nodded my head.

'I'll make it right...'

The Work of Love (Hajeongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now