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I attended a club meeting for the upcoming intramurals, it was so hectic to be part of many clubs and being a representative of our batch. I suddenly feel bad for myself for trying to carry these heavy responsibilities but this is what Park Jeongwoo is made of, to be useful.

"We will be discussing about the outline of the program tomorrow then," I just said when I find out the other officers aren't prepared yet to discuss their suggestions. I laid my back on the couch as I massaged my temple. I rarely get annoyed but I feel too much pressure right now to maintain a calm face.

"We're so sorry, Jeongwoo," Kevin said giving me a sad face, I just nodded my head but for sure my lips is forming an expression that it isn't.

"We'll make it up to you tomorrow for sure, Woo,"

The other five officers just bowed down their heads as they excused themselves. They were taken aback when Haruto is at the door, smiling, carrying a plastic bag. He is kind of sweaty?

"Hi Haruto," Yoona greeted, the latter just smiled and bowed down his head.

When everyone is out, I just gave Haruto a tired smile. He pouted. He went at the back of my seat and gave me a back hug, putting his hands around my neck as he rest his chin at my shoulder. I closed my eyes. This is my rest.

"Don't be so stress, it makes me weak seeing you weak,"

I chuckled weakly. Not now Haruto please, this hoe is having a hard time with his responsibilities, I don't think I have the right to feel like I am floating.

"Okay, I'll try not to. But hey, why are you sweaty?"

He pulled a seat and sat closer to me so he can get a hold of my hand. These gestures of Watanabe, really.

"I am going to join the basketball team," he said with a confident smile.

"Wow, are you sure?" I asked with amusement, the last time I checked he hates sports. He isn't really sporty at all.

"Don't you believe I can do it? Right?" trying to get his hands away from me, he started lurking.

"Haruto, that's not what I mean, Come on," he stood up with a serious face. Okay this brat is up again.

"I brought you something to eat, I still need to attend a special class anyways,"

"Yah Haruto, can you stop acting this way again?!" I didn't know my voice sounds like so done, Haruto's eyes began shedding some tears. Oh great, Jeongwoo.

He just walked out without looking at me again. Why is this day so stressful? Bullshit.

I found myself walking around looking for Haruto's next class sipping the coffee he brought for me, I can't let him take a class with that state, okay Jeongwoo you should haven't shouted at him so he can leave peacefully, my goodness.

"But I think Yohan is better at sports, he is so good with basketball! The way he dribbles!"

"But do you think Haruto will get in as well? He is lacking... compared to Yohan who looks so cool at the court awhile ago,"

"Haruto is handsome but Yohan is such a sporty guy, I heard he got the loudest cheer awhile ago when everyone who wanted to join the tryout this Friday,"

"Haruto keeps losing the ball, he can't get a hold of it properly, I don't know what is he trying to prove... He can audition for the Mister and Miss,"

The girl chuckled. In an insulting manner. I cleared out my throat just to inform them that probably someone is listening. I hate students who have all the guts to talk out this loud.

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