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Hearing the story about Yuki and Jeongwoo got me thinking I might end up being like Yuki begging Jeongwoo to love me back. The idea of desperation got in my system, will I end up being more pitiful than Yuki? I hope not.

Jeongwoo is kinda consistent with his decision to treat me as his slave and yes the whole class know that he is giving me that cold and unfair treatment but this is what I've asked him and even a glint of regret didn't come in my mind. I'm more than thankful that at least I got the chance to have a small conversation with him although it's just all about his ugly words of complains and commands. The hyungs thought we're fine, he asked me to pretend that we are to avoid chaos. But they don't know I'm in battle with Jeongwoo every single day- it's making me feel sick because I thought I'll never disowned my confidence but now just a single painful word from him makes me shiver. I just lost the hope that I'll get to see the Jeongwoo who's kind, modest and genuine.

"Yah Haruto, make sure you got me all the books I need for the research paper later or else." Jeongwoo yelped at me making our classmates took a glance at us- I motioned them to stop looking as they simply gave me a concern smile. I nodded my head and he just leave the room with his friends from the other class

I sighed. He started being like that after that incident of me carrying Yuki. I don't know exactly what he thinks but that's when my hell started.

"Are you okay?" Yuki asked, she took the seat in front of me giving me a worried look. I just shrugged as I continued writing the notes for Jeongwoo for all the subjects since he wasn't able to attend yesterday's class because he had a quiz bee competition- And yeah, he took home the bacon.

"Why are you letting Jeongwoo treat you like a piece of trash, Haruto?" she asked that made me stop with what I am doing. I met her gaze- I can see a genuine and kind eyes staring at me, I can say she's curious but I can't tell her I love Jeongwoo because I'm not insensitive, I know she still likes him and kinda using me to make Jeongwoo jealous which is a total failure for her because obviously he don't really care about the two of us. Now I pity our existences. This is not so me. I never felt insecure with my whole existence, my world in Japan knows that. Look what a Park Jeongwoo can do.

"Just because of our friendship." I responded with a slight smile. These days, Yuki is sticking around me. She's acting superior over me but I can tell she sees me as a brother. I once planned to ask her why she still likes Jeongwoo but the fudge is wrong with me, I also love him still despite his ugly attitude so I guess we'll have the same answer. It's because he is Park Jeongwoo.

We go to the cafiteria together and the other students still stick their noses saying we're together which Yuki is gladly making fun of.

"I'll get you a food too, what's yours?" she asked while scanning the menu displayed in the LED. I captured Jeongwoo's deadly stares and that made me tell Yuki to get me anything.

I'm like a scared puppy when Jeongwoo motioned me to went over their table. He is with Dongpyo and Mingyu- they are both transferees but they are originally friends with Jeongwoo even before they transferred here in Gem University.

I can see them laughing while I am walking my way towards them- I feel like they are mocking me but I tried my very best not to show I am pissed.

"Yah, Haruto. Can you get us a cold water over there with ice?" Jeongwoo said with a playful smile pointing the dispenser. I stared at him but he just shrugged it off and told me what I am still standing there like an idiot so I ended up nodding my head like a puppet.

I asked the middle-age woman assigned in the cafiteria for three glasses with ice when Yuki asked me what I am doing.

"Just get us a table, I'll go after this." I smiled and she just nodded her head.

The lady handed me a tray. "Thank you." I smiled after saying. She just gave a smile back.

"Here." I said when I was about to hand them the glass of water when Jeongwoo motioned me to stop.

"We changed our minds, we want it without ice." Jeongwoo is now giving me a look I can't afford to hold onto for seconds. Dongpyo and Mingyu chuckled as I turned my back away from them heading to the counter to ask for three bottled water.

"Who told you we want it in bottle?" Jeongwoo said. I gulped, suppressing my emotions.

"I never thought the Watanabe Haruto people used to adore because of his talent is more suitable to be a slave of the Genius King, Park Jeongwoo." Dongpyo laughed that made the other two guy laughed too. They are making fun of me but I can still control my emotion and temper. I can see Jeongwoo is enjoying this, is this what can make him happy?

"We changed our minds, we want a soda."

"In glass, Haruto."

"Haruto, can you also ask tissue for me?"

And so on and so forth. They ordered me the whole time of the break, the students are laughing at me for being an idiot following all their instructions. I'm just thankful the hyungs are not around or else they will scold Jeongwoo again, I don't want that. I set aside my pride for him even though I'm a big fat full of ego.

"Now you know what idiot means right?" Jeongwoo asked, with his brows judging me.

"It simply means, Wa.ta.na.be Ha.ru.to." he uttered those words as if my name is something he see as a trash, he can humiliate and use as definition of an ugly word.

"This love I have for you is 'idiot' Jeongwoo.'

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