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The guys are all patiently waiting for Haruto here in the airport as they are still raising the banner (WELCOME BACK WATANABE HARUTO!) they prepared for him to notice them right away. The guys are all smiling from ear to ear and can't hide their excitement to see the kid again except for Jeongwoo who is sitting at the back with his earphones on looking like this is the most boring time of his life. Yedam who is stealing glances at him just sighed quietely and didn't bother to mind him anymore as he knows that they should be thankful that Jeongwoo's presence is there.

"Hyung, I can't wait to see Haruto hyung." Junghwan said clapping his hands and giggling. They all smile at him as they heard Jihoon shouting

"HARUTO! HERE! HERE! WE ARE HERE!" Jihoon shouting at the top of his lungs attracting some attention from some passengers too but well, as if he cares.

Jeongwoo didn't mind what he heard and just seat still waiting for this drama to end.

Haruto flashed the most handsome smile as he waved back to the guys who are jumping and waving their hands at him. They all ran towards him as they all hugged him at once. Haruto feels like crying as he can feel the warmth welcome the members have for him, he did not expect to receive a happy greetings from them.

"You've grown up so well! You look just so.... GREAT!" Byounggon said as he showered Haruto with compliments about his appearance.

Haruto smiled as he shyly bow his head to them and started simply roaming his eyes from the members hoping he will see a glimpse of Jeongwoo but then he failed and thought 'Maybe he did not come.' he tried to hide the disappointment and just smile in front of the guys.

"Looks like you are looking for someone." Junkyu teased him, of course Junkyu already set aside the thing about him and Mashiho, this is Haruto's day.

"U-uhm." Haruto can't help not to feel shy the moment Junkyu said he is looking for someone.

Byounggon and Seunghun get themselves away from blocking the sight of Jeongwoo.

Haruto got the chance to see the guy he is longing to see for three years. There in front of his eyes the Jeongwoo he contented watching at the videos.

'He changed a lot... He is more handsome now and he is not wearing his eyeglasses anymore.' Haruto said at the back of his mind.

Jeongwoo felt Haruto's eyes looking at him that seems like he is the only one it can see. He raised his head and met Haruto's gaze. Jeongwoo stood up and just rolled his eyes.

'I can't believe he got the chills to look at me like that.'

"H-hi." Haruto said shyly and raised his hand to wave it. He can't smile because his muscles feel tensed looking at Jeongwoo's serious face.

He walks slowly towards Jeongwoo as Jeongwoo just stood there like a stone and ice at the same time, hard and cold.

Haruto gathered all his guts to hug Jeongwoo. 'I've been waiting for this chance, Woo...' he savour the moment and started tighten the hug. He smelled Jeongwoo's scent, this is not the usual sweet fragrance he wears but a strong flavor. He started feeling all teary eyed and emotional that finally he is embracing the guy he loves. Haruto felt Jeongwoo aren't giving the hug back and tried to get rid of it. Haruto suddenly felt apologetic.

"I'm sorry. I-I'm just happy to see you again, I must have startled you." Haruto apologized.

Jeongwoo eyed the guys just watching at them. He looks so done but he tried to contain it as he said...

"So I guess I can go now."

"By the way, welcome back Mr. Watanabe." Jeongwoo took a peak of Haruto as he said that and started walking away.

The other members watched Jeongwoo walking away again.

"Woo." the other members tried calling him.

Haruto felt the hot liquid streaming down as he can feel the pain of rejection from Jeongwoo.

"Does he hates me, still?" Haruto asked even though he knows Jeongwoo do. He knows that to himself.

"Don't say that, Haru. Jeongwoo is just stress these days because of school activities." Yedam tried to convince Haruto.

Haruto tried to draw a fake smile as he hopelessly sighed.

"Don't worry about Jeongwoo, Haru. I will take care of him later, okay?" Junkyu said as he cling onto Haruto's arms.

"We'll help you with your luggages, Haru." Doyoung volunteered that made Jaehyuk and Junghwan agreed to help as well.

"Thank you guys." Haruto said, which eyes are still on the floor feeling all gloomy.

"Don't think about Jeongwoo that much and don't cry! We should celebrate that you safely arrived!" Jihoon said as he jumped onto Haruto for a hug.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that brat." Jihoon whispered with a smirk.

Looks like Jihoon is up to something worse again. Is he also working for Haruto and Jeongwoo's love?

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