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"Yuki, you'll be fine here, right?" her mom asked as she parked the car in front of the university's gate. Yuki nervously glanced at the prestigous school- everyone's dream university! she can feel her heart ready to explode anytime when she felt her mom's hand patted her shoulder giving her a comforting smile.

"You can do it, honey. Cheer up! Mom will be watching you." Yuki nervously smiled at her Mom when she already get herself out of the car and waved her hand at Mrs. Yoon watching her leave.

She heaved a deep sigh trying to calm herself. She sacrificed everything just to get herself qualified to be a student of Gem University so she should face the reality that right at this moment her pains bare fruit.

"Yuki, fighting!" she whispered to herself taking a tiny steps towards the gate. She saw pairs of eyes staring at her making her feel low pushing her in the deepest pit of the ground. 'Why are they staring at me like that?' she held her big thick eyeglasses avoiding to meet anyone's judgemental gazes.

She hugged the books tightly in her chest, eyes on the floor until she bumped her head on someone's hard chest. She felt thousand of volts as two hands held her shoulders.

"Hey, are you okay?" the guy asked with a birght smile ready to replace the sun. It's Jeongwoo, the genius king of the university. Yuki couldn't stop herself from staring- finally she met her crush.

She was contented watching him in telivision when the guy is invited in tv shows to be interviewed. Jeongwoo had been casted so many times in competitions on air making everyone know that the definition of genius is "Park Jeongwoo".

"Y-yes, I'm o-okay." she bowed down her head in embarrassment because of her obvious nervous and shaky voice. Jeongwoo chuckled as he find it cute how Yuki is awkward with his presence.

"Are you shy? C'mon, I'm just like you too and we're schoolmates. And by the way, don't mind those students, they might never get that expensive eyeglasses of yours making them feel insecure I guess." Jeongwoo tried cheering Yuki up that he never failed to do so when the girl laughed blushing nodding her head in agreement.

Weeks passed, Jeongwoo and Yuki get along together very well making other students see them as a cute couple even though Jeongwoo made an impression that he got no time for relationshits making his admirers backed off. Now they are somehow annoyed with the kid when he lets Yuki sticks around him anywhere, making the girl receives tons of hate comments that Yuki never cared about as long as she's with the guy she likes.

After the first quarter exam, everyone gathered in the bulletin board checking their rankings. Jeongwoo and Yuki went together, as usual.

'They are like magnets glued together' some people even thought.

"Hey, are you nervous?" Jeongwoo held Yuki's hand making the girl's heart jumped.

"Yes, I think I screwed up." she said with a nervous tone. Jeongwoo patted her back attracting some attention from other students but the guy doesn't care at all, he's busy consoling his friend.

"As usual, Genius King indeed." a guy commented making Jeongwoo smile and bow his head as a sign of gratitude with the compliment. But everyone was shocked to see the name next to Jeongwoo's, Yoon Yuki, surpassing Felix's rank.

"Is this real? Yoon Yuki in rank number two?" students started talking about it meanwhile Jeongwoo saw Yuki crying carried away by joy, the guy gave her a hug as he said "Congratulations, Yuki. I'm proud of you." the girl smiled hugging Jeongwoo back even tighter making others feel jealous as they took pictures of them.

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