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Another day.

"Jeongwoo, Haruto already left," Junkyu said as he saw me walking down the stairs. I hold my bag tighter, feeling annoyed first thing in the morning.

You want to play this kind of game with me, Haruto? Then go, I'll play it with you.

I just rolled my eyes when my brother just smirked at my reaction.

"So what?" I said rolling my eyes, pulling the chair in front of him. He just shrugged his shoulders, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"He looks like he is in a good mood, meanwhile here you are drowning with your bitterness,"


Junkyu laughed at my reaction again, he knows I am affected, big time. Good mood huh? Really.

The University is preparing for the big event of the year, which is the intramurals. I wanted to participate with sports but I think I'll just go ahead with the academic activities since I don't have enough time to practice if I'm going to do sports, I am handling almost all the events, so I don't really own my time.

Intramurals will be on Saturday already, It's Thursday now so students are all busy with their respective duties. And I will be distracted so I don't have to deal with Haruto, afterall he looks like he don't have the plans to deal with me. Good thing.

"Jeongwoo, here are all our listed suggestions for the additional events, take a look," Jin handed me a white folder and I accepted it giving him a small smile.

"We think we also need to focus with the academic activities, this program will be aired live in television, as part of the promotion strategies of the university. We need to gather all our most intelligent students," I said as I saw that they focused more on sports and entertainment.

"I agree," Sandy said nodding her head.

"And we need to send a request for the enhancement of the facilities, we will be having outsiders to join, but of course we will need to have bookings for that, so Sandy, I think you can prepare for that?" I asked.

"Yes Woo, no problem," she said. I nodded my head, giving them a signal to tell me more of their thoughts.

"By the way Jeongwoo, the seniors said we will be having a meeting later afternoon to discuss about the event," I nodded, playing with the ballpen in my hand.

We discussed and settled our mission to report later in the meeting. I decided to take my History Class since I received a message saying that our Professor will be giving his final grading for our past activities.

I took the pathway rather than taking the elevator. I wanted to take some fresh air. I couldn't help myself not to stop from walking when I saw Haruto with a girl. She looks older, she is in the same height with Haruto, has fair skin, beautiful in her white long dress and her ponytail. Meanwhile Haruto is in his jersey and his hair is wet. I don't know why am I thinking that he looks so hot when he looks all wet, when in the first place I am upset with him? Okay, I'm just being honest.

The girl became more touchy as he brushed her hands in Haruto's hair. The jerk just smiled at it, letting the girl thinks he is fine that she is touching him. Okay, maybe he is really good with that?

She then tapped Haruto's shoulder, looks like giving him good words. He shyly nodded his head. Looks like that jerk is blushing.

I rolled my eyes. "Feeling bitter?" a familiar voice whispered in my ears. I saw Yohan beside me smiling, staring at me with our faces just inches apart. I avoided my gaze because I am feeling all guilty when I am being too close with him. Haruto will be upset. Maybe?

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