Chapter 3

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Colours the eyes of whiskey holding specks of gold within them coaxed me gently to take note of the cute button nose that sat proudly above full lips tempting the saint in me to covet. The melanated panorama wrapped effortlessly around the five foot figure that was in line with my chest caused my center and lungs to constrict making it hard to breathe.

If this is heaven I swear to rope my arms and cling to the neck of religion.

"Hi um... sorry to bother you," the stranger chuckled reaching up to tuck a strand of curly hair behind her ear, "but I'm looking for Terrance."

Honey... that's what her voice sounded like.

Widening my eyes I realized I must look like an idiot from the way I'm gawking at her. And I cleared my throat along with the perverted thoughts slowly threatening to creep in.

"Terrance?" I asked. No one in the office had that name and all of a sudden I grew immensely envious of this Terrance for being uttered on this beauty's lips.

"I'm sorry but there's no one here by that name."

"Oh! I'm sorry you must know him by his first name, Derek," she explained and the name she said dampened my mood immediately. As if being shot in the foot, the disappointment I felt was unreal.

She was one of his many girls.

Even in her trench coat I could tell she had curves and from the expensive handbag on her arm, the brand stared back at me only taunting me.

She's out of my league.

Shaking off my shock I replied her with a simple," He's not here."

The disappointment was apparent on her features as she shuffled from one foot to the other nibbling on her bottom lip, I'm sure pondering what to say or do.

"Oh... did he leave a few minutes ago?" she asked sounding hopeful.

"No he left hours before. Like around five."

Watching her I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She somehow came across as a polite woman and judging by how upset she is, she's just seen a glimpse of Derek's clear charm.

"Well... thanks for letting me know," she was smiling but it felt forced and as she turned to leave I wanted to reach out to her. Tell her to stop mentally kicking herself because she is worth the hassle and work.

Hoping to get one more glimpse of her, I followed suit. It may come across as creepy to most but if they saw her, they would do the same.

Freely colliding into walls, I know chances exceed hitting the ground before ever catching this angel's wings.

What I didn't expect to see when I caught up to her was her hunched over by the door tugging on something.

Getting closer I realised part of her trench coat got jammed on the door.

"No-no-no... this can't be happening," she mumbled as she fought with the door tugging on it only to lose the battle. The sight was rather comical but my amused expression changed when I saw the panic written on her face.

"Is everything okay?" I knew nothing was okay so I immediately picked up on her lie when she told me she was fine and that I should move along and continue with my life.

But the thing is I can't continue after stumbling upon your existence.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?"

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