Chapter 18

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So far we were all in our own worlds. Angie was still a bit apprehensive of Morgan's presence as she sat by the window sipping some champagne. Morgan was flipping through channels in silence, it was clear her mind wasn't here and I can't blame her. She had been on the phone with her kids and even then I could see the distinct pain on her features at having to hide them from her husband who was capable it seems at doing anything.

I had my own problems no doubt.

What I would give for a stiff drink.

"Oh my god just pick a channel and stick to it!" snapped Angie who stood up to go into the kitchen. Morgan glared in her direction, fire behind her eyes.

"Do you have a problem with me?" she replied as she stretched her body on the couch.

I remained planted on the kitchen stool hoping Angie would let this go. But alas, Angie being the spitfire will dive head first into the chance of conflict.

"You were never there for Raquel, being the ass kisser you were of your mother- you SHUNNED your own blood. Honestly I can't believe you have the audacity to come here and ask for help! So hell yeah I have a problem with you!"

Morgan had been observing her, giving nothing away, wearing her signature poker face. After her rant she simply shrugged her shoulders seemingly unbothered by her," Last time I checked Raquel had no problem having me here. Honestly I'm surprised you're still here. Considering your character I assumed you'd be off somewhere on your knees in front of a complete stranger sucking his-"

"Fuck you, Morgan!" Angie spat her veins bulging in her neck as she pointed an accusing finger in her direction. "Raquel may have fallen for your damsel in distress shit but between us, you deserved it! I almost feel bad your poor kids got involved."

The mention of her kids wiped the neutral expression on her face. Her face contorted as tears brimmed in her eyes. Her bottom lip trembled as she stood up menacingly from the couch.

"Leave my kids out of this," her voice was low but even the hairs at the back of my neck stood up at the underlying rage behind it.

"Aww did I hurt your feelings, princess," Angie smirked as she came and stood right in front of Morgan.

Opening my mouth to protest, a discomfort erupted in me.

Oh no!

"Angie," I mumbled but Angie and Morgan were both so caught up in a stare down that the sound of the stool scraping and my feet moving caught them off guard.

And it's not long before the quick motion of dinner that I forced down made contact with the sink. How can pleasure lead to this?

I felt my hair being pushed out of my face and a hand rubbing my back.

"Raquel, are you okay?" Morgan asked as she stood by the bathroom door, her concern evident.

"Are you so dense you can't see she clearly isn't," responded Angie as she helped me move to sit on the toilet seat after I managed to empty the contents in my stomach.

She held me close to her chest calming me down a bit and moved to clean the sink. I'll always be grateful for Angie being so willing to help me.

"Do you always have to be so rude?"

"You've done nothing to deserve anything le-"

"CUT IT OUT!" I snapped. The nausea admittedly had me on edge and ready to stab these two for their bickering. They both stood there schooling their features at me bursting.

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