Chapter 26

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"The greatest revenge is compassion," that's what some wise individual once said. A Saint in my opinion.

I'm not a Saint, neither do I aim to be one

Besides that act of mercy only applies to people whose soul can still be saved.

That's why I was here, in the same room where he tore me down. The same room I was reduced to nothing but an outline of my former self.

These four walls used to taunt me, shun me to crumble to the floor.

Instead of crumbling to the floor, I meet his hard glare head on. Taking a seat across from him, his eyes never left my movements, calculating each twitch as if that will reveal my weakness. I had called him wanting to discuss something.

And I had no issue walking into his territory...

I fought the urge to punch the smirk he wore on his face, choosing to maintain whatever calm I had.

Time is precious, still I had no problem gambling with it and neither did he it seems as both of us had yet to say anything.

Letting each second pass to fall aimlessly in the space of nothing. Nevertheless, he grew tired to let this silence go on and given the next set of words he said I knew he just decided to blurt out whatever came into his head.

"You're sitting on a chair," he stated.

I narrowed my eyes on him wondering what exactly he was alluding to.

"Any time you were in my office, you always had this habit of sitting on my desk. Out of every piece of furniture." he chuckled whilst rubbing his stubble.

"You were always so comfortable in my space and do you know what I found so funny?" he inquired smiling; I knew the question was rhetorical but I came here prepared for anything.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Serena likes sitting on my desk too, wrapping her long legs around me," he laughed, no doubt the arrogance sickening," And believe me," he paused leaning back in his seat," We once went to the couch but out of all the pieces of furniture in the room she always preferred the desk."

"I didn't call you here so that we could reminisce?" I said, having lost whatever ounce of interest I had in his walk down memory lane.

He smirked raising his hands in mock surrender," Fine let's move this along then. I have a meeting to attend in a few. I just felt like voicing out the irony of the two women I laid as much as you both hate each other. You both shared similar traits in a number of things."

"Like in our distaste of you," I stated keeping my expression neutral. He turned his eyes onto me, his brows quirking holding a question of their own. Opening his mouth I'm sure to voice out the reason in my choice of words. He was interrupted.

The clicking of heels distorting the rhythm of whatever pace we had set was music to my ears. I didn't need to turn to see who it was, the slight whiff of perfume, and a particular scent holding a uniqueness of its own let me know who the visitor was.

"Apologies for being late, Raquel." She said plopping herself in the seat next to me," You have no idea how frustrating it is dealing with incompetent subordinates," she smirked crossing her legs, from her posture and poise she was the least bit apologetic.

"Its fine, the party hadn't even started."

His face momentarily paled as his eyes shifted frantically between the both of us. I had to bite my cheeks to hold in the laughter dying to spill as I observed his brain mulling over what was going on.

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