Chapter 21

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The path to recovery was no easy hill to climb over. However, when you have the loving support from family and friends it makes it less strenuous to push back the images of a knife being jabbed into you multiple times. Rebecca was one of my most frequent visitors along with Raquel and my mother. Even Angie had come by to visit me, cussing up a storm as usual lightening my mood instantly. Patrice had stopped by and I felt terrible that now she had become Derek's assistant. Though she had tried to hide it, with the bags under her eyes I could see she was stressed. It pissed me off knowing he was still the same.

Still the same prick.

On the bright side Raquel and my family, seemed to be getting along, it gave me hope or at least a real glimpse into what forever would look like with her. My mother hit me with nonstop interrogation on one occasion when it was just the two of us and I only kept the details rather shallow claiming we were only just friends. Still I always catch her smirking whenever Raquel comes by.

I bet she's already come up with names for our future kids.

My boss at the shop had been understanding and told me to take all the time I needed to recover and now having been just discharged the fact that I was finally going to be at home, in the comfort of my own bed had me releasing a sigh of relief.

The night I returned home, the warm atmosphere of having a simple family dinner was fantastic. It felt good to see that everyone was getting along and somehow managing to fall back into the thing we call normal after what took place.

Things between Sam and Rebecca were still a little tense but knowing those two they'll make up soon enough. If I forgave her for this then surely Sam could.


08:30 am From- Raquel

We need to talk. How about dinner at my place...8 o'clock??

That message had been sent hours ago and as my day unfolded with glances at my phone trying to decipher what she wanted. The time had come to get some time alone with her.

The day she came to see me straight after the incident, still remained fresh. Threading itself into my consciousness as my anxiousness to find out what she wanted to tell me increased. For some odd reason as I smoothed my hands down my slacks taking in deep breaths, words of encouragement racing at whipping speed to calm down... nothing could have prepared me as I stood at her door.

After knocking on her door it opened revealing her glowing face which beamed at me as she beckoned me inside. In a simple blue dress and heels she always maintained an aura of appeal. I was still a little upset with her for ignoring me those past weeks which I made her well aware of. Still as she smiled at me I couldn't help but wonder how long I would hold on to my grudge before I begin kissing the very ground she walks on.

"I'm really glad you came," she said as she led me to her dining room.

"Well unlike you I don't run away from people."

"Alex..." she turned to look at me." I was going through a lot that time."

"So was I," I mumbled taking a seat. I don't mean to sound petty, I've just come to fully realise loving her takes a hard toll on my emotions. Truth is there were times I grew immensely angry at her for letting me go but even now I'm not sure if I can let her go. I'm just tired of feeling like I have her yet she's not mine.

Feeling her fingers under my chin, I soon met her gaze, the look in her eyes a little hard to detect." I know you went through a lot," she paused seemingly contemplating her next words," and I'm hoping we can get past that and onto better days."

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