Chapter 16

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I hadn't meant to ignore him, still I had...I was too afraid to face him and tell him everything. Of how I'm still marrying Terrance because I'm still too ashamed to come to terms that I may just be in love with a younger man of a different race...

Who happens to be partly responsible for this occurrence in me?

Who knows how to hold me and just talk to me?

Mother's words fall into my brain," None of those things on whether or not he makes you feel special matter if his lifestyle involves scraps."

When he appeared at my doorstep I was close to just running into his arms, I had to refrain and remind myself, to keep it together, I don't want to further distort the supposed image Derek and I had made. It's all plastic smiles at this point as I silently watch the bodies of supposed friends and family mingle and munch on finger foods. I felt arms wrap themselves around me along with the feel of cold lips on my forehead and my body involuntarily tensed feeling uncomfortable with him touching me.

"Heard your little boy toy was here," he was still wearing a smile but I could detect a hint of edginess to his tone. People were still unconvinced of the so-called happy couple act we were putting so this engagement party had been my mother's entire idea to shatter the rumours of Alex and me.

Speaking of my mother, given how she treated Alex tonight and how things went down, I cringe. After the revelation that he loved me, my heart swelled with joy. In all honestly with how genuine he sounded as his blue eyes landed on me I wanted to say it back too.

But I couldn't.

I just couldn't.

Especially not after Brandon my so called step-father threatened me

Such that I had to tell him with the strength to fight my tears to leave and that I didn't feel the same.

I was right.

I felt so much more...if it's even possible to surpass the level of love.

"I'm surprised you still managed to hear about Alex...given how you've practically been ogling Maria's breasts. One would be convinced all your other senses were blocked out," I mumbled my voice holding venom that he even dares to come near me, whether we're in public or not.

He tightened his arm around me to the point of evoking pain," Easy Raquel. Just because I apologized doesn't mean I won't hesitate to beat you."

"Fuck you Derek."

"When exactly did you acquire such a foul mouth, was it before or after you fucked my assistant?"

"Since you stopped being a man."

He sipped his champagne, his demeanour still calm as he said," Say what you will about me. But at least I sleep with people who have more than three zeros in their bank account. I fuck quality, sweetheart."

I swear he aims to make me feel less than what I am.

Instead of answering back I moved towards the back door to get some fresh air as I brushed off another 'friend' of mine trying to talk to me to get the latest details on the wedding.

Wipe away the issues little one,
Wallow no more for today for what's done is done...

* * *

The puke moved up my throat further stimulating the nausea I felt. The party had ended after I called it a night, my excuse that I felt stressed out with all the planning for my death- I mean wedding.

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