Chapter 10

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He can't be serious, he knows tonight was a big night for me and this is what he decided to do.

Meeting my ass.

He vowed he'd be there for me

I never knew he could be this petty all because I said no.


Heart violently quakes...

Out of all the scenarios I never expected this.

"So when you said you had an just wanted me here f-for this." I gestured to the candles around the room.

On his knees, diamond ring in hand.

I do want to get married.

Can I say I do... to him?

"Raquel, you seem disappointed about this not being an emergency," Terrance said, his smile changing to a scowl.

"I just need more time." Suddenly the ground appeared more interesting than looking at his face. This was so awkward.

"Time?" He stood up moving to take a seat on the couch.

I don't need him to make this anymore harder than it has to be.

"Can we please not get into this? I'm tired." I moved in the direction of the bedroom, I was already feeling a headache coming on from what transpired between Alex to now this.

"I can't believe you. You're just dismissing me like that," he snapped standing up making his way towards me.

The occasions of being made to feel as less, fired through and for the life of me I quickly turned glaring at him to take me seriously.

"Be grateful that's the most I'm doing considering as of late, this is the most we've said to each other face to face. I'm tired. And I may care about you but I will not marry you."

And that was the end of that between us.

The next morning not much was said, he left giving me a quick kiss and honestly I was convinced we were good. That he comprehended I needed time. Marriage isn't something you take lightly.

Clearly with the message he sent as usual, I realise how unwilling he is to set aside his anger or burn to his ego.

It's a good thing I didn't go to work today. The instant Angie saw my face she'd pick up on my sudden change in mood.

With all that went on in the last few hours, I was yet to sit down and really assess the situation of what transpired with Alex. If that call hadn't interrupted us, I'm pretty sure I would have happily spread my legs and allowed him to indulge in the apex of my thighs if he asked.

I need to stop this before the damage becomes harder to clean.

I mean he's Derek's assistant.

Not only that the ridicule I'd get for being with Alex...

Moving aimlessly around my house my mind failing to focus on one thing, the knock at my door, set my attention in focus. However out of all the people to be at my doorstep, I certainly didn't expect to see Janelle Williams.

My mother.

"Morgan needs money for a divorce attorney," she said as she pushed me out of the way, barging into my home.

Well hello to you too mother.

Sighing, my body tensed already anticipating the oncoming drama that is my mother. "Looks like Morgan and Trent's marriage isn't as rosy and perfect as you thought."

My mother spun around in her designer heels and glared at me, back then it used to scare me how much fire could burn behind her hazel eyes. But now I'm older and a lot stronger to block off her strikes.

"At least she gave marriage a chance unlike you. Derek told me what happened, honestly Raquel haven't you ever heard of beggars can't be choosers."

The nerve of this woman.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling irritated at her audacity. "Well that's just it then. I sure as hell wasn't doing any begging."

"At your age you should be," spat my mother who crossed the distance between us.

She was so beautiful such that her looks could fool any poor soul into thinking she's an angel whilst she's the opposite. And right now with her nostrils flared, jaw set, the evil in her came forth.

"For a woman whos come here asking for money, I'd watch how you speak to me. I'm not going to stand here and allow you to insult me."

"I'm your mother. I can talk to you, anyway I see fit, I rolled my eyes at her response. All the years of facing her nonsense taking a toll on me. I've been taught from a young age, respect your parents, however, they should give an alternative to that rule if one of said parents doesn't deserve the respect.

"So NOW you acknowledge you're my mother," I laughed shaking my head. The tears were filling my eyes, blurring the lines on days I wished to hear that line. "You know, I find it so screwed up how much you ridicule me for starting my company. Yet you come here asking for money anytime Morgan breaks a nail."

Despite her scoffing, I continued, the roll I'm on too tempting to leave hanging." That same money you use is the same one that pays for Morgan's basic needs to care for her children all because the guy you hooked her to is worthless."

"Just like you and your father," the way she said had been low. But I had heard her and a pain erupted in the deep cresses of my heart.

"Get out." I whispered, the tears making a trail down my cheeks.

When I heard no movement as I stared at the ground my fury unleashed, I said," GET OUT!"

The sound of the door closing indicating she had left.

So much for me considering this to be the best day of my life.


"Slow down on the champagne," were the words harshly whispered by Angie who was seated next to me. The buzz of chatter filled the atmosphere with ladies in designer dresses and men rocking tuxedos. The place screamed of opulence and decadence. I should have felt honoured to be considered a member of such an esteemed society but right now all I cared about was hunting a waiter to get another glass.

I was yet to receive my award and honestly I just wanted to say my thanks and bounce, with the way people were invading my personal space I was growing irritable with people in general. The men were a different league of their own in their flirtations.

Sporting a strapless, body fitting, light blue dress, slit hitting the mid-thigh area of my body, I knew I looked good. They just didn't have to be so crude in their complimenting.

Reaching for another glass after turning down another advance, Angie swiped my hand away and I actually pouted.

"Angie," I whine, I was close to stomping my foot like a spoiled child, but she had dragged me to the bathroom before I can get a chance to do so.

"No! I will not have you getting on that stage shitfaced drunk. I know tonight isn't panning out the way you hoped with Derek and then your mother, but suck it up. Now put on your big girl panties and soldier through this night. You did not work this hard to allow irrelevant people to ruin it, "she glared at me before she walked out the ladies room.

Looking at the mirror flashes of the hard times in college and after to get to the point of success I was at, Angie was right.

Blood, sweat and tears, most of my years,

I'm now here. Smile.

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