Chapter 25

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How the hell did I not see this coming?

I am dead.

So dead.

Should I say something- of course not you idiot. Besides what could I say," Hey sorry for accidentally knocking up your daughter?"

I feel so nervous and what makes this worse is that he just keeps staring at me.

He hasn't even blinked...

Hasn't moved.

This life of mine will never get tired from surprising me

Then again it's my fault for not seeing the connection between him and Raquel. Now seeing my boss up close I could see the resemblance between them.

"Stop overthinking," came his voice that snapped me back from nearly collapsing, I gulped preparing for any verbal insult he was ready to throw.

Mr Hughes easily had this intimidating aura to him and in as much as I could say I respected him simply because he was my boss, deep down, the other part of me knew it had to do with the fact he scared me. Which made this situation all the more uncomfortable for me, even the glass separating us didnt seem like adequate protection against his stature?

"I'm not overthinking," came my voice which sounded a bit strained, he smirked.

"I didn't come here to start anything, still," he mumbled leaning back in his seat crossing his abnormally large arms.

Arms large enough to strangle me to death.

"You have no idea how shocked I felt upon discovering you were associated with my daughter."

"I think associating puts it lightly," I chuckled which resulted in a blank stare being his only reaction. I stopped, clearing my throat as if that could wipe out the slight disconcertion.

I had already witnessed enough in this place and I'm almost certain Raquel's father evokes more terror inside me than anyone. Even when I worked for him back at the auto shop I maintained a respectable distance with him. Was never tardy, or irresponsible with the work. He was successful for a reason; there was never any room for mistakes. Sure we weren't saving lives but I'd like to think our efficiency in fixing a vehicle at least reduced the chances of unnecessary accidents.

Even Johnny whose entire character is mostly constructed of being a complete goofball (in my opinion) was not stupid enough to play around on the job.

None of us were reckless enough to gamble our lives with him.

We had a range of customers, worked on a range of vehicles. And no other job would ever come close to the way I felt on being in that auto shop. So having him here is an anomaly.

I can feel myself struggling to detach the label of boss to just him being a father.

"Please spare me the vivid details. Still," he tilted his head scrutinizing me," I never thought you'd be her type."

"Neither did I to be honest," I chuckled.

"And now you're here. Stuck in jail."

Releasing a heavy sigh," I can't bring myself anymore to say life is funny and actually believe it. There's nothing funny about having your life ruined. You can see me as the bad guy if you want in all this, but I just want to be with your daughter." I had momentarily shifted my eyes to the hard surface of the table weary to see his disapproval for my confession. Glancing up I saw just a blank canvas, no indication of what he was thinking and this pushes me on to continue.

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