Chapter 15

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The sight of her lying on the ground brought flashes of similar scenes, of my mother crying. The walls providing her with comfort, back then I had let fear prohibit such that I ran instead of trying to help. I had been too small to push him off, my voice too fragile to shout him out and thus the sight of Raquel in the same position, I saw red.

Torment me, I turn another cheek.

Touch my heart and a devil to you, I shall be.

Now walking out of the police station with my little brother in tow, I could care less what the consequences of my actions were. No doubt I was out of a job and to a degree I actually felt free, the chains no longer weighing me down. I'd still make it through; my main concern was getting in touch with Raquel and finding out if she was fine. My anxiety was high as I hit a fast pace to the car as Sam kept on rambling on about getting myself in trouble.

"As much as I appreciate this lecture little bro, its completely unnecessary," I mumbled as the car sped down the deserted road.

"At the rates you and Becca are going at, I already see myself as the oldest in this special family of ours."

"I'll admit we haven't been setting the best example. But my actions were justified; he put his hands on her. What'd you expect me to do, walk away and smile as if nothing happened? I let dad get away with the same sort of shit, I won't let him treat her like that boss or not."

We were both silent, I was still digesting the way things turned out tonight, when I woke up this morning I didn't expect my night to end with me behind bars being treated like crap by those cops.

"So...what now?" he asked as he pulled up the driveway of my apartment complex.

"I-I'm not sure to be honest. All I know is... is that I need to see her," I pursed my lips as I gathered my thoughts. From the adrenaline pumping when I was in jail, I hadn't really calmed down to figure out my next move except to gather Raquel in my arms.

"Well as much as I've loved watching this story unfolds, need I remind you, you're jobless."

"Yeah..." I chuckled," I still got a job at the garage though so it's not all that bad. I can always work there full time if Mr Hughes is cool with it." I looked up to find my brother looking at me. I will always appreciate Sam for his concern for me, he may be the youngest but he'll always be prepared to look out for me.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be okay." I reassured him as I stepped out of the car. He shook his head, before he replied," Whatever you say. But next time you decide to beat someone up, please...try not to get caught."

He's always been the best at giving advice.


The call went straight to voicemail again. I wish she would just answer, I thought as I threw my phone onto the counter. Feeling the rejection simmer in my stomach again, I could only imagine based on experience what she must be going through. Abuse is not something a person can recover from so quickly and I grew concerned day by day every time my call went to voicemail. I texted her everyday and got nothing, I was at my wits end getting close to sending her a smoke signal if it meant she'd give me some sign that she was at least alive.

Just something.

My mom had been on my case after she heard I had been thrown into jail and the last thing I wanted to do was to stress her with my problems. Through the rain there was at least a slight upside of things. I, at least had a steady pay check from the job at the garage. The payment wasn't close to the amount I made being Derek's assistant, but still it was something rather than nothing.

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