Chapter 12

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Out of all the places I thought we would go, ending up here at the place we went to for the first time we spent time together was not one of them. He had been vague in the car about where we were going, I felt calm taking in the familiar smell of steak as people listened to the poet on stage.

We both stuck out like sore thumbs, what with my dress and him in his tux. When he had shown up for the event to support me, I fell harder feeling cherished at the effort he made to be there for me.

It had been a while since I felt cherished

Even as I gaze at him now, slight stubble to his face drenched in sophistication in his tux, I tightened my legs at the prospect of being drenched in the tangle of sheets with him.

Biting my lower lip, as my eyes lowered to his pink pouty lips, the way I was riled up just thinking about what those lips could do, would have been embarrassing as I looked up and saw him, see me checking him out.

"Why are we here?" breathless that's how my voice sounded from the impact of his body heat and cologne.

Instead of answering me, he stood up and made his way towards the stage.


Is he doing what I think he's doing?

The introduction of his name from the host further confirmed my original assumption. He was going to say a poem. A dazzling smile, that sets me for miles his deep voice emanated throughout the place as he set his eyes on me.

"I've never done this before; however, someone inspired me to get into poetry. And so this poem is called, The One I Need."

There goes the death of my good girl image.

He began and I swore more wetness seeped between my thighs, listening to the words he used.

Grasping my eyes now filled with wonder.
Wonder of what lays beneath the beauty of her landscapes,
Is there gold, diamonds within Her lips, ivory in Her hips?

So mysterious is She as She leans casually by the bar.
Youthfulness seeps through Her pores,
Whilst seduction fabricates the angles of Her shape
Putting all into a trance. Legs up
To Her thighs give promises of valuables and treasures.
Are all these promises true?

Her smirk tempts all to spend a single
Night or more inside Her continent. To take
Pleasure in Her tunnels soaked with honey and milk.
Rolling off the tongue, Her taste is sought after,
As ships from far and wide come to soak in
Her juices that are unique. She has no curse
Between Her thighs, only redemption that frees me from chains that weigh me down.
And thus I confess she is the one I always needed.

His voice sounded so delicate, entrancing the simplicity of desire in me, I died then and there in his palms. This boy has me and fighting it was useless.

I'm a good girl really I am.

So why don't I mind being bad for him?


His hands seek refuge under my dress, evoking an involuntary gasp out of my lips as his tongue moved from my earlobe to the scope of my neck leaving a sinful trail. My arms held him as close to my body as it experienced electrical surges whilst my wetness trailed down my quivering thighs currently wrapped around his waist.

His lips found mine, his tongue probing mine to only feel as it lavishly caressed parts of my soul I never knew existed. The groan that fell from his lips vibrated the space in between as he pushed me further up the wall with his hips.

The One She NeededWhere stories live. Discover now