Chapter 8

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"Have you always been so demanding?"


It's only in the presence of you, all common norms escape me.

Crossing the road, I stumbled in forbidden territory to get to you.

I shouldn't have, still I did it anyway.

I'm a good girl...

Really... I am.

And do I regret all I've done?

Not one bit.

Keeping my eyes on the cutlery I know, glancing in his direction stars will fall, destroying me.

I dug myself into this hole. I told myself to keep my distance and the first chance I get with him, I plunge head first into it without a second thought.

It's like I tell myself one thing and then do the opposite.

"You okay?" came his deep voice. It oozed over me effortlessly; tightening my legs I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked up at him to see the sea of blue, deep blue eyes.

"Yeah. Why?"

He shrugged his shoulders before he continued frowning," I don't know. You keep staring at that cutlery as if it did something to you. If you're uncomfortable we can go somewhere else."

I appreciated his offer. Granted I am nervous, I admit I bit down more than I could chew.

"I'm fine really. How have you been?"

His eyes scraped over every inch of my face, he didn't seem convinced but he managed to not push the subject further.

"As of late not too good, one of the only other people who treated me nicely stopped talking to me." He stared directly into my eyes and the glint in his eye ignited more flames.

"It wasn't my intention to stop talking to you. Just had other obligations."

"I know," he sighed gazing to the side, "you were with Derek."

The way in which he said it sounded almost... sad. I could be reading too much into it. As if coming out of some stupor he shook his head smiling and the moment passed. The waitress soon returned and the smile she directed towards Alex for some odd reason pissed me off.

However, this isn't the first time I've seen a woman ogle at him. When I was at Derek's workplace I had once overheard some of the ladies who engaged in the occasional gossip, gushing over his looks.

Once she left after refilling his glass, flirtatious smile in full effect as if I wasn't even there I looked away chastising myself.

He's not mine.

So what if other women want him?

He, however, appeared oblivious to the attention he had received. And I was amused to say the least. "Looks like the waitress has a crush on you."

"What are you talking about?" The fact that he was serious only made me laugh at his ignorance that blinded him from seeing the clear desire she had for him.

"You're kidding right? So you're telling me, you didn't see the way that waitress was looking at you. She was practically undressing you with her eyes."

"Uh... I guess I just didn't notice," he shifted around in his seat. And I found it rather cute how nervous he seemed.

"Only one thing can make you that blind..." my eyes turned to slits analysing him before eventually saying, "What's her name?"

Biting his lip, he chuckled at the sudden bluntness and assumption I made.

"I don't have anyone in my life."

"You're joking right?" I was shocked. For someone like him to at least not have anyone on his radar is unprecedented. He's by far one of the most interesting people I know considering the tales he told me of the experiences he went through were anything to come by.

"I wish."

"Okay so do you have a split personality... are you a serial killer. What's so wrong with you?"

He laughed and I decided that I can get used to hearing that melodious sound.

"You want the honest truth, Raquel?"

If he keeps saying my name who knows what I'll do.

Remember, I'm a good girl!

I chose to nod my head, afraid if I used my voice it will crack and reveal more than intended.

"Well I'm single because the one I did find... society directs too much of her dance stopping all probability of us two to be." as he said all this, his eyes were fixed on me.

Immobile, stuck in my seat.

The stars in my skies just fell.


For the past week Alex and I had fallen into a nice routine. He no longer went with the bus and instead became my riding buddy. Sometimes before dropping him off home, we'd have dinner together.

I enjoyed his company and I was glad he enjoyed mine just as much. Nothing has transpired between us two if anything out interaction was friendly.

However, if I'm being honest the hugs we share, wouldn't be described them as friendly.

It grew alarmingly easy turning a blind eye to Derek's excuses as to why we couldn't have dinner and I stopped trying. At least he vowed to be my escort to the annual ball where I was receiving my award.

It felt good to see my work paying off. To say I was excited about it was an understatement, being honoured on such a public platform made the days of being a little girl, hiding under bed covers at night reading fashion magazines worth it.

My dad wanted to be there but was needed by his friend... I think from what I could recall his name was Daniel. It was apparently a major issue and therefore, meant he was going to be out of town. My mother had yet to confirm and I had given the invitation to her weeks ago. I'm not holding my breath though. Whether she comes or not I was going to have a great time with the people who actually matter to me.

Looking at my phone, for the first time in a long time I smiled. An action which I had been doing more of as of late upon seeing the message.

Got my cast removed yesterday. Going to pick you up. Tell Philip he's just lost his job- Lex

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