Chapter 27

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The sun shone down on me, the brightness dim to the smile on my face as I stepped out to see my family waiting for me once the gates opened. I can't exactly pin point the exact emotion I felt, maybe it was somewhere between bliss to the brink of bringing tears into my eyes as they found hers.

I guess the pace I was moving at was unsatisfactory for the minute I opened my arms she moved tentatively at first until she picked up the pace to jump into my arms.

I burst out laughing whilst simultaneously tightening the hold I had on her as I greedily took in her sweet scent.

"Baby," my voice came out muffled against her curly hair, with her body still coiled around mine she peppered kisses all over my face.

Warming my heart of the affection I had been missing and needing

Making a move to put her down she tightened her legs," No," she whined placing her head back into the crook of my neck," I don't want to let you go."

I chuckled moving towards the other individuals who stood watching with amusement at the both of us." Hey mom, I would hug you but I currently have my hands full," I joked, her body shook with laughter whilst she reluctantly released herself out of my arms, but she still kept a firm grip on my shirt as I hugged my mother and siblings. No doubt my cheeks would be hurting at the end of the day from the smiling I have already been doing, I didn't care though.

I was free.

"I'm so happy to have you out of there," my mother said and I pulled her into another hug when I saw the tears forming in her eyes. I chose not to speak; I could already feel my throat clogging up as I shut my eyes refusing the tears to fall.

"Enough of this emotional stuff, let's go home," said Sam whose own eyes were red. He caught me observing him and quickly mumbled," There's this weird smell in the car that was irritating me."

"He really missed you," Becca interjected whilst poking Sam who simply rolled his eyes at her," and so did Jamie and I."

The scenery and fresh air made me feel refreshed as the trees along with buildings flashed by. I turned my gaze toward Raquel, moving my hand onto her belly to feel the slight roundness already evident and she turned to smile in my direction whilst placing her hand on top of mine.

All the turmoil and hardships were all worth it for this, this burst of love that came out of nowhere and once we arrived back home the sight of cars outside had me perking up in curiosity. I turned my accusing eyes onto Raquel who innocently shrugged," We just had to celebrate your return home."

Stepping out of the car I was immediately engulfed into a hug by Raquel's dad," Look at you, a free man now. How does it feel?" he asked clapping my back.

"Great, I can't thank you enough for everything. And for taking care of my girl," I replied taking another glance at her.

"You know I'm still going to kill you for knocking her up, right?" my smile dropped when I saw how serious he looked. However, the period of silence quickly changed the minute a smile appeared on his face as he began laughing," Relax, as long as you do right by her, you and I won't have any problems."

Duly noted.


The night air felt serene as the laughter had not ceased nor shown any signs of decreasing as the flow of alcohol kept increasing. Even Johnny, Patrice and of course Angie came to the little get together.

I relaxed a bit more in my chair at the feel of a hand rubbing my neck in a soothing motion causing me to involuntarily close my eyes. The feel of her taking a seat on my lap had me holding back a groan as she kissed my ear," You enjoying the party?" she whispered.

Wrapping my arms around her I opened my eyes to find her brown orbs watching me, the realization that for the rest of my days I would be subjected to this form of affection warming my insides as I placed my hand on her belly." With you on my lap, now I am."

She chuckled placing her hand on my cheek," By the way, how did you manage to take down those two?"

It had been in the back of my mind for quite some time from the day I was told I would be released. All along I had been under the impression that they had gotten the best lawyer around to help but something tells me deep down that may not be the case since I overheard Angie claiming there had been no need for a lawyer at all.

Instead of answering me, she smashed her lips against mine nibbling on my bottom lip- I granted her permission to take over...for now." That's not important," she mumbled against them.

"So what is important then?" I questioned creating some distance between our faces; I needed a chance to breathe. All the looks and touching she had been showering me with let me know even after we all went our separate ways; the party wouldn't be over for us.

"We are, plus our little one."

"What do you want it to be?" I asked rubbing circular motions on her belly.

Biting her bottom lip, I wanted to know just what was going on in that mind of hers," I have no specific preference. Are you scared about our future?"

"No," I responded without a second thought," If we can make it through this I'm confident we can make it through anything."

"You're stuck with me now, you know?" she shifted forward until there was barely any space between. Nothing could separate us neither force us to end what we are.

"You make that sound like a bad thing?' I pouted playfully; she giggled rubbing her nose affectionately against mine before she breathed," God, I love you."

And I love you.

"Hey, lovebirds!" came Angie's voice," We came all the way here for you. You guys will have plenty of time to fuck!" she laughed causing even my mother to burst out laughing. Raquel buried her head in the crook of my neck hiding her blush," Come on, Angie!" I responded rubbing her back soothingly.

"Don't worry Raquel's dad is in the house so I doubt he heard me."

"Let's go, Angie has been drinking and I don't need her spilling anymore of my secrets," she stood up chuckling whilst holding her hand out to me.

"To be frank it's no secret what your intentions are with me," I replied gripping her waist. She smirked shaking her head," There's no need to hide. Everyone should know who you belong to," she mumbled grabbing my hand as we made our way to our family and friends.

I won't hide who you belong to either.

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