Chapter 20 Part 2

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Tears blocked my vision as the heartbeat of my child became the only rhythm echoing off the walls of the room. Hearing the repetitive sound only further added proof of a being growing inside me, another life was nestled inside me still hidden from the eyes of the world.

After the appointment, the excitement was slowly brewing. The high I felt was indescribable as I smiled feeling giddy but at the same time nervous for tonight. Earlier on today I asked Alex if he could have dinner with me at my place. He hadn't responded but I knew he was curious as to what I wanted to talk to him about. He was discharged yesterday making me more anxious to what his reaction would be.

Would he be angry?


Willing to take on such a responsibility with me or reject the being we made together?

All these thoughts consumed me so deeply. I mean if he refused to be a part of this baby's life I'll happily do it on my own. It will hurt I confess.

It's amazing, I had yet to fully lay eyes on the child and already I was in love with it. Vowing to be there for it when it enters into the world. I wonder now if all along my mother had ever had these feelings of love and desires to protect me when she heard my heartbeat or if all along she carried me in shame. I had no actual recollection of a time she ever was a mom to me and the realisation angered me. Regardless of everything in my life I'd protect this being with all I have in me.

I laid a hand on my stomach as I moved to the parking lot to head off to work. Not knowing there were eyes watching my every move.


Work was the only suitable distraction to calm my nerves. He confirmed he'd be there at 8 and every once in a while my eyes would stare at the clock on my wall calculating how many hours I had left before I saw him.

Things were running smoothly and I was convinced my day would continue without a hitch. It was only the sound of my office door flying open and the sound of heels clicking that led me to placing my eyes on the last person I never anticipated seeing.


Angie quickly followed behind looking pissed off; the only thing missing was the smoke coming out of her ears as she glared at the intruder.

"I'm so sorry. I tried to stop her but the bitch couldn't take no for an answer," Angie sneered after she gave me an apologetic look.

I sighed feeling the tension building in my shoulders, calm down I told myself as I gazed at her. The other reason as to why my relationship had turned to rubbish in the first place.

"What do you want?" I kept my voice level working to keep myself away from yelling as I watched her.

The ice cold glare she sent me didn't waver as she said," I need to talk to you," she glanced at Angie, "alone."

"You either have a lot of guts or you're naturally stupid to barge in here and make demands," I said beating Angie to the punch.

She narrowed her eyes at me before she sighed," I didn't come here to start a fight."

I scoffed as Angie gave her a look that all in all meant we weren't fooled by her excuse that she came here without the intention of causing trouble. She rubbed her temples after seeing none of us making a move to honour her request.

"Fine," she sighed clenching her jaw as she looked between Angie and me." It's about Derek."

"What else is new," I replied dryly relaxing further in my chair giving her a bored expression." If you came all the way here to brag about your latest sexcapades in the hopes it'll make me upset, don't bother wasting your time," I shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm done giving my attention to someone who can barely keep his dick down much less his hands to himself."

Serena's eye twitched, a mannerism indicating she was about to explode in anger. And I really could care less. After coming to terms with the future all the issues that gave me heartache and emotions based off of sorrow seemed irrelevant.

"The old me would have lunged at you and tried breaking that perfect neck of yours," she breathed almost composing herself as she closed her eyes taking a few deep breaths.

This is new.

She reopened her eyes and the usual coldness associated with them was non-existent and in their place stood a softness I had never known she was capable of possessing.

Angie also gazed in my direction wearing a look of confusion that further seeped upon hearing Serena's next words.

"I'm only here because...I-I need your help. You're the only other person I feel remotely comfortable asking for this from."

"So the Great Serena Owens is asking me for help. If this is some way for you to play around with me then get out. "

"For the love of-! Look Terrance fucked me over okay-"

"Again what else is new," I shrugged indifferent to her little outburst as Angie snickered.

She glared at the both of us balling her hands into fists.

There's the Serena I know.

Expecting her to start throwing punches she plopped herself in the nearest chair. Shoulders sagged, head now low as she glanced up at me.

I quirked a brow cautious of her next move." I guess I deserve your indifference to me."

The hell?

Serena was a lot of things from the past times we associated with one another; after all we were competing in the same field. Both of us were fighting to earn a place in this world of fashion, it's a cold blooded game. And Serena was never shy in playing dirty but never had she admitted her faults.

Angies eyes widened as both of us tried to decipher if we were suffering from some hallucination of this woman being....dare I say apologetic.


The tears falling down her cheeks caught us off guard. We were all silent waiting for this rare sight to unfold." I wouldn't have come here if I absolutely had to, okay," she sniffled staring at the ground almost as if in shame.

"What happened?"

She looked back up at us saying the next set of words that I never saw coming.

"I found out recently that uh- I have an STD. And before both of you say anything I've come to terms with the shit," she laughed humourlessly as she shook her head.

"But what I refuse to do is allow that bastard to walk off unscathed... Raquel you're the only other person who put up with his crap and I don't know about you but I'd love to see that asshole brought down. If you're in?"

Past the tears I saw only anger and betrayal. Emotions that I knew all too well.

And amidst the fog of it all I knew I could never go through with this wedding even if it's for the sake of keeping up appearances. The baby, Alex and now this.

I had to cut off all ties that were bound to only lead to destruction in this life of mine.

So I said," No."

I had to get out of this.

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