Chapter 23

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She looked drained.

A lot different than the woman I have known whose vibrant smile and eyes could light up a room.

But I shouldn't be one to judge; with the bags under my eyes I was no different if anything I looked worse.

Neither of us has said anything to each other, I guess she was just processing this all as much as I was. It had been only days ago since I had those cuffs slapped on my wrists with little to no explanation as to what I was being arrested for, it may just be days but it felt like years. And I've grown more and more convinced the stroke of luck keeps being robbed from me.

"Love will never be easy. Yet we humans keep at it; keep plunging head first into the abyss of nothing hoping to be caught in the arms of genuine, authentic love. Others crash into the ground and suffer levels of pain that make them more hesitant to just jump carelessly. Some fall again but have a parachute on their back just in case," she mumbled into the phone, her eyes giving nothing away as the glass separated us.

"I must be crazy then because even when I crashed, the next chance I got I jumped without ever once considering a parachute."

"You're far from crazy, son."

"Then why does it feel like every time I'm close to finally being happy, something out there just decides to push me down." Or in this case put me in an orange jumpsuit, I cursed under my breath as the tension in my body heightened at the predicament I have on my plate.

"Do you know how pearls are made?" I stared at her in confusion at the sudden change in conversation as she wore a small smile on her face.

"I can't believe you're honestly talking about pearls in a time like this."

"React however you like. You know I don't just say things without reason," she shrugged maintaining a calm disposition.

I kept quiet, knowing if anything she was right. My mother is and always has been the type to quietly observe things, guess the saying, "still waters run deep," suit just who she is.

She took my silence as motivation to continue as she watched me closely, her piercing blue eyes analysing me.

"You've been through a lot, more than most in this lifetime should ever go through. From your father, the tough pains of growing up, the stabbing to even now. May be I'm wrong in thinking like this but when a grain of sand or an unwanted visitor intrudes inside the shell, the oyster reacts and releases a substance to ease the irritation. Even though this occurrence takes place its crucial in the development of creating that beautiful pearl. In fact pearl farmers actually embed the grain of sand inside the shell to produce the pearl."

She looked up at me and an emotion I couldn't really detect flashed through them as the sounds from the outside world blurred out. "Anything that's worth something always comes with some form of a challenge. You may not see it now but this obstacle is crucial in your development. It will only make you stronger and bring you closer to finally holding that precious gem in your hands."

Despite myself I chuckled at the interesting form of encouragement my mother used. It was odd, but nonetheless useful.

"So when you say precious gem, is that a metaphor for Raquel?" I asked shifting forward.

Her smile stretched as a sudden form of light took over to enhance her features as she said, "I mean both her and the baby."

My mouth parted out of instinct on the surprise that she now knew she was having a grandchild. I had planned on telling her the great news but I had barely made it halfway home before I was stopped and thrown into jail. Simply because I got involved with the wrong girl as Raquel's step-father put it when he graced me with his presence the day I arrived.

"How did yo-"

"She came by the house with Sam after we found out you were arrested and told us the news. I guess congratulations are an order."

"How is she?"

I had been holding onto that question, nights staring at the blank ceiling wondering if she could hear my prayers. The last thing I would want is for her to get stressed over this.

My mother sighed, her grip noticeably tightening around the phone, her expression suddenly becoming remorseful, "She's on edge. Poor thing is pretty shaken up, unfortunately her step-dad has made it damn near impossible for her to come visit you or else she'd also be here. And I can't help but feel for her. Your sister goes by there to make sure she's okay and all but nothing is going to get her back to her usual self until you're back in her arms. She's already getting the best lawyer in town to deal with your case."

"The last thing I want is for her to get involved ma."

"Raquel told me she had a feeling you'd say that," she smirked.

"Is that so?" I asked raising a questioning brow as she nodded her head in confirmation.

"She told me to tell you," she moved forward in her seat as if to pass on some secret, "you go around being there for everyone in your life. Its time someone fought for you."

I believe then and there I fell and felt the arms of love hold me from touching the ground.


"I'm really glad I can at least hear your voice," I mumbled into the payphone. We were only allowed one phone call; the only person I thought to call was her. I could hear her breathing on the other end and I felt a part of me constrict in anguish at the restriction I faced prohibiting me from being there with her.

"Are you okay- crap! That was a stupid question- of course you're not fine. You're in jail facing so much all because..." I tuned out her words smiling from just the sound of her voice. It was only when I heard sniffling on the other end that I grew concerned as reality made its presence once again known.

"Baby, please don't cry," I found myself saying without much thought. It only felt natural to me to want to wipe her tears and comfort her, Im okay really," I said hoping my voice gave away the much needed conviction to put her a little at ease.

"Its my fault."

"Hey," I cut her off, this isn't your fault. I don't ever want to hear you say that again."

"I know you're trying to make me feel better. But right now you'd be out living your life if I hadn't gotten you involved in my screwed up family."

"I only started living life when you came wearing that trench coat," I blushed remembering the fond memory of her, my heart fluttered upon hearing her giggle.

"I promise I'm doing everything in my power to get you out of there. You'd be surprised who I have in my corner to ensure those assholes wish they never messed with you."

"You're starting to sound quite scary from the sweet Raquel I know."

I could hear the difference in her voice at this point and I could only imagine what must be going through her head. There was a moment of silence on the other end before she said, "I don't play nice when someones threatened my family."

No matter how hard I tried to admit it this side of Raquel being protective had me feeling a sense of pride. I cleared my throat as I said, "Just don't overwork yourself. When I do get out I need you and our child in tiptop shape."

She sighed and I knew she was rolling her eyes on the other end, "Okay baby," she mumbled.

"As long as you promise me no matter how tough it gets in there, you wont regret ever pursuing me and want to have nothing to do with me when this is all over," I could hear the desperation in her voice as she pleaded with me. By now she should know the lengths I would and will go for her, to me this is already another chapter of our story I couldn't wait to tell our child of on how I met their beautiful mom.

"I promise."

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