Chapter 19

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The last time I was here, it had been due to finding my sister facing the rage of her baby's father. If that time had yet to raise any form of a conclusion in me, I hate hospitals.

Even as I lay here bruised up with stitches in my skin from the stab sounds, I still hate hospitals. The reality of the situation came at me fast, almost as quick as the motion of the knife Ray used on me.

One minute I was helping Rebecca get her things, the next I found myself in an ambulance hearing hysterical cries in the background.

My body felt exhausted yet somehow I felt I wasn't in it and my siblings bickering back and forth would have been annoying on any given day if I wasn't so caught up in processing this.

This trying to save everyone is getting old real fast

My mother had remained quiet the whole time, her gaze had remained on me after she came raising hell to see me. I would inwardly laugh recalling her threats to the nurse when told to calm down.

And now watching those aquamarine eyes I can only wonder what she was thinking

When I had woken up the doctor had explained a number of things to me. But the one thing I caught on that stuck with me was

I suffered 4 stab wounds and still survived

"Both of you calm down." My mother was someone of very few words and yet anytime she would say something you were prone to listen. Sam and Rebecca quickly snapped their mouths shut, still glaring at each other.

But after some time Rebecca broke the silence.

"How are you feeling?" she asked. Her face appeared so remorseful as she clutched her hand in mine.

Before I can answer Sam cut in," The more appropriate question to ask is how does it feel almost losing your life."

"Too soon man."

"What?" he shrugged innocently, Sam was always the calmer one. The one who could make a joke out of anything and now even I can't recognize him as he glared at Becca." There's no point in sugar coating this situation. If your ass had left that shithead a long time ago, maybe our brother wouldn't have a kitchen knife lodged in his body multiple times!"

"So you're saying it's my fault!" she spat as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"If you had even a scrape of a backbone in you-"

"Oh go to hell!"

"Don't you dare make me curse the day I popped you both out. I'll say this one last time. Both of you calm down."

They were both smart not to mess with mom as they sunk in their seats like two scolded children. The only sound was the beep from my monitor as mom stood up from her chair to fix my pillow for the umpteenth time. A million emotions flashed through her eyes and I hated the fact I was at the forefront of her worry. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly to let her know I was going to be okay.

The door opened and all eyes momentarily shifted to the door, expecting the friendly face of the doctor, the change in my heartbeat was detected by the monitor as her eyes set on mine.


She rushed to my side and nothing else mattered in the room as her steps closed the gap between us. Her brown eyes trapped me, as she stood beside me and looked me over.

Angel of mine.

The only upside I had seen in all this was surviving and now as she looked down at me maybe this is the other upside.

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