Chapter 22

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I've feared unseen monsters under my bed, bullies I hid from in bathroom stalls wishing I had lied to stay home and then there's change.

It comes so unexpectedly blinding us- easily leaving us paralyzed in confusion and once again fear.

One second it seemed things were looking up for us. I was relieved to find out Alex was just as willing to take on the role of parenthood with me. In fact it made me fall deeper for him. And the weekend we spent together had been beyond perfect. Both of us planning on our next step forward along with my next move to end things with Derek.

When he left this morning promising to soon return to me, all seemed possible. I was ready to call Derek and meet to talk and finally reclaim my life. It had all made sense, the words took no time to ponder on formulating and I felt no remorse whatsoever for what I wanted to say.

And yet in as much as we take a step forward we get pushed a million steps back.

And that push back in progress came in the form of Brendan Williams.

Clad in some expensive suit with a smug expression on his face, he sat comfortably in my office poised and composed like he owned the world.

So far he seemed to own mine.

I never liked him from the minute he came into my mother's life. However, my opinion had never mattered to begin with since my mother was being flown to places one can only dream. Far as she was concerned I was just being a problem child who had yet to get over the fact my parents were no longer together. There had always been something off about him. Maybe it was his off putting smile or demeanour.

But now as he sat across from me, I could see it as clear as day what it was. His eyes. They were simply just... lifeless.

When he came into my office unannounced something in my gut told me something wasn't right.

Something just wasn't adding up.

"The other day I watched this movie. And one of the characters like because and you love despite," he paused maintaining steady eye contact before he continued," that had to be by far the most stupid thing I have ever heard. Emotions and feelings are only a factor that can lead to one's destruction. Its not something we need. Period."

This made me raise my eyebrow as I folded my arms having my interest peaked at the fact that out of all the things he could have said to break the silence he chose such words.

"How would mother feel knowing you have such an opinion about emotions considering your wedding vows?"

He chuckled shaking his head and thus I didn't receive the reaction I was hoping for. Then again he was always up to something.

"Raquel, your mother and I never got together for love. She wanted money and well...I needed a pretty face on my arm. It was an advantage for both of us. Plus don't even get me started on the sex," he laughed upon seeing the disgust I wore on my face.

I did not need to hear about these two's sex life.

"Don't worry I won't delve into any of that. That's not the reason why I'm here."

"If that's not the reason then why are you telling me all this information?" I asked maintaining a bored expression.

He moved forward wearing a grin that had me unsettled," It's simple. I need you to understand just why I put your unborn child's father in jail this morning." He shrugged nonchalantly watching me closely.

My breaths suddenly became shallow.



He seemed amused at the horror filled expression I wore as I failed to comprehend what the hell was going on.

My hand instinctively flew to my stomach as I mulled over just how he of all people knew I was pregnant.

"You see your very existence was a liability in the life I had planned with your mother. But she convinced me to well...use you and Morgan to make me appear as a family man for the political career I wanted."

Tears blurred my vision as I remained stuck, motionless in everything unravelling as he continued not caring that I was hitting a breakdown.

"Raquel," he muttered trying to regain my attention," You can wallow in despair after I've left. Don't be rude."

The hatred and anger I felt boiled over as I clenched my jaw." If you so much as lay a hand him-"

"Hush now," he taunted," I wouldn't want the baby to be put in any harms way," he stated stretching casually on the seat as if he hadn't just indirectly threatened my baby a minute ago.

I slumped in my chair dejectedly as he sat back in his seat appearing satisfied.

"Now all you do reflects on me. Derek's parents have connections that can guarantee an easy door to join the world of politics. The only thing I have to ensure is that you marry their son. For some odd reason they find your success an admirable trait as a partner for their son." He stood up closing the distance between us. And soon I felt my chin being lifted up forcefully as he glared down at me eliciting a surge of pain from the pressure in his cold and rough hand. His eyes holding no life.

"I'm this close to having it all. And I'll be damned if I allow you to ruin that all because you're fucking a kid 10 years your junior- whose half breed bastard you happen to be cooking in there," he spat.

I pushed his hand away, feeling violated that this form of evil was touching me.

He stepped back looking down at me, maintaining his glare," I was highly disappointed when the private investigator informed me of your current condition. Fortunately Derek has agreed you will both be married only in name. You should be grateful he still wants to do this merger of our families despite all the shit you've produced."

He moved away from me and I swore the room was spinning as no words could come out.

This isn't right.

How can what he's saying be right at all?

He walked towards the door and just as he put his hand on the knob he turned with that same twisted smile only a man truly heartless can pull off." Oh and don't bother trying to involve the law. If you try to stop me. Alex well..." he smirked," Let's just say I have people on the inside that'll finish the job his sister's ex couldn't."

From this point on the words he said had drowned out and the click of the door indicating his absence snapped me back to face fear.

Roping me in its arms of pain
To take away all I was to gain.
Steps left winded
In sweeping in
Showing pain taking more from me.

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