never have i ever ..

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**skip plane ride**
sineads pov;
so we finally stepped off the plane and we are all energised except emily.  "ugh i want to sleep" emily said annoyed.  "o.m.g we are finally here" kate said happily and I laughed at her and hi-5ed her.  I saw mikey have his back faced to me so i ran and then I saw emily watch me and she then jumped on mikeys back cause she knew i was about to do that.   I rolled my eyes and looked around and saw kate walking next to jack holding his hand and I took out my phone and took pictures of them.  I awed at the pictures I have taken.  I then look at Andy and eiemar and saw them sneaking a few kisses.  I took more pictures so I could make an album about all my friends.  I smiled at the pictures and I looked over at Niamh and rye and I saw Niamh on ryes shoulders and rye holding all the bags     I laughed at that and took pictures of them.  I then look over at sofia and saw her walking next to abbie and brook and I then looked away deciding not to take a picture of that.  I then look towards emily on mikeys back and i took pictures cause i have to admit it was cute.  I then put my phone away and started walking faster and I was now ahead of everyone and I quickly walked outside of the airport and closed my eyes and smiled at how warm it was.  I then felt eyes on me so i opened my eyes and looked around until I saw emily looking at me.  I looked away from her and saw Niamh and Kate laughing about something and I took a picture of it.  I then saw mikey walking towards me eith emily still on his back.  "ok emily get off" mikey said as he placed her down.  she wined but walked towards abbie.  I smiled up at mikey and he smiled back.  I quickly took a picture of his smile.  "what's up eith all the pictures. I saw you taking pictures of us all in the airport" he smiled looking confused.  "it's for an album I'm making" I told him.  he nodded his head and took out his phone and took a picture of me.  I looked at his shocked.  "why did you take a picture of me" I said confused.  he smiled at me "I'm adding it to the album.  I laughed and nodded.  I then went and stodd next to him and pulled my phone out so it's facing me and mikeys face and I pulled a funny face.  "nooo I wasn't ready" mikey pouted.  I laughed and took another one but this time he was making a funny face too.  I laughed at the face he pulled.  I then saw the two taxis for us all and I got in one with kate jack and eiemar.  eiemar went in the passenger seat.  everyone else got other taxis to the hotel.  when we arrived at the hotel we all decided to share a big apartment.  once we got unpacked we decided to play never have i ever.  "I will go first.  if you have done whatever is said then you take a drink" kate explained and we all nodded.  we all sat in a circle.  "never have i ever...stolen someone's guy" kate said.  I took a gulp but i saw emily and abbie didnt.  "abbie and emily i think you both need to drink" I said.  "no we don't cause we aren't as low as you" abbie said.  "screw you" I said back.  "okay okay stop" eimear said to all of us.  "never have i ever...kissed my friends boyfriend" I said.  Niamh drank a gulp and  so did kate.  we all looked shocked except me and kate.  I started laughing and so did kate.  Niamh looked guilty. "when and who's and explain" eimear said shocked.  "it was 4 years ago and you and sofia were gone to a party eimear.  but me Niamh and Kate were hanging out with my boyfriend and we were all drunk and I was making out with my boyfriend and they kept saying stop so when I stopped I told them how he is a good kisser and they both said it's not fair so I told them to try it and they did"  I siad calmly. I then looked around the circle and they were all shocked but kate and I were tryin not to laugh at the memory.  I then looked at Niamh and she looked so guilty and I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore and I burst out laughing.  I then calmed down and wiped the tears that fell while i was laughing.  "oh that was so funny" i said while smiling at the memory.  "why did you and him break up again" Niamh asked confused trying to remember.   "he turned gay" I said to her casually.  eimear looked shocked.  "i never knew that" she said shocked.  "wow I never knew that"sofia mumbled I then looked away for sofia.  "let's go back to the game" I mumbled.  "we're you not sad" abbie asked tryin to get me sad "drop it" I said sadly.  "come on answer sinead" emily said.  "no it was none of your business and it never will be so drop it" I said to them.  I then put on a fake smiled.  "let's get back to the game.  "ok never have i ever..had a one night stand" eimear asked.  I took a big gulp and so did Niamh Kate and emily.  "never have i ever...killed a baby" emily asked looking me dead in the eyes and I took a big gulp.  i looked her dead in the eyes back.  we were both havin a staring competition.  "you knoe what emily.  I did what was best for me and the baby.  the father wasn't gonna be there for the baby and I am too young to have a baby and I don't have the money to look after a baby aswell as look after myself.  I also don't have the house either and I knew it wouldn't be good to bring a baby into the world if I knew i wasn't ready" I siad to her feeling confident.  "if i were to keep the baby then it wouldn't have had the best life ever.  it broke my heart to get an abortion but i knew it was for the best and I would've kept it in a heartbeat if I had what I took to be a mom" i siad to her and I took another two gulps.  "never have i ever bullied someone and called them a baby killer and beat them up and ruined their friendship with people"I said looking emily and abbie in the eyes.  they both took big gulps.  "exactly what I thought so don't think you won because I got more dirt on you than you have on me" I siad.  "never have i ever  jumped out of a moving car" kate said smiling at me.  I laughed and took a gulp and so did Niamh and Kate did too.  "we were all laughing and we wanted to know how it felt and we were fully sober" I said smiling at the memory.  I heard mikey laugh at it and i looked over and smiled at him.  "never have i ever kissed another girl" rye said towards Niamh.  Niamh laughed at took a gulp.  I didn't cause i thought i got away with it.  "um Sinead i think you have to gulp since you made out with niamh" mikey said knowing very well that I was drunk already and that was why I was not drinking.  I whined but took another gulp.  "I need to pee" I slurred and I stood up and stumbled to the bathroom.  I then went to pee and when i was done I opened the bathroom door but tripped over a shoe and went flying and fell on the floor face first.  I banged my head on the floor hard and I heard gasps.  I groaned in pain and sat up.  "are you ok" kate siad and I laughed REALLY hard and so did kate and niamh   "why are they laughing" eimear asked.  "cause their drunk" mikey said smiling at us all laughing.  "ugh that acctually hurt" I said clutching my head.  I then jumped up and stumbled back to the circle and I fell inbetween Niamh and mikey and I decided to just stay there.  I rubbed my head for a while and then stopped.  I then gasped and caught everyone's attention.  "let's play truth or dare" I said while smiling.  they all agreed   "Niamh truth or dare"I asked her.  "dare" Niamh said while looking at me.  "I dare you to put on a mini skirt and a tube top and you can't kiss rye until we are done this game" I said to them.  "oh that's cruel" mikey said laughing I looked at him "i know"

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