Embrace By The Howling Winds

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This is a work of fiction. The following names, characters, places, events, businesses, and incidents mentioned in the said story are either products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to the living or in the other story is purely coincidental.

This story is unedited so expect typographical errors, grammatical errors, wrong spellings, etc. that you may encounter along the way. Also, I do write lengthy chapters. I'm open to all who'll emend my mistakes and I'll highly appreciate it when being proposed politely and communicatively.

If this story didn't meet your standards and expectations, just kindly delete this immediately or find other stories that suit your liking.

I hope we're clear here. Thank you.

Warning: There are some chapters with mature content so read at your own risk.

Started and Ended (OLD Version): 06/2019 — 08/05/2020
Revised Version: 04/04/22 —


This novel is in the process of revision, but don't expect that it to be flawless. I haven't checked the grammar thoroughly since I'm focusing on my goal — and that is to finish revising my craft as soon as possible, and checking grammatical errors and other technicalities can be done later on. Tumatabla rin po ang katamaran sa akin, palagi po akong nagpo-procrastinate, at mayroon po akong tambak-tambak na academic workloads. So expect that the updates will take longer than it should be. Mind to tell you, my dear, this story is under major revision, and you know what I mean when you have read the story before it's revised and this new — revised version. Thank you for understanding.

Sincerely, Eni

Embraced By The Howling Winds (Antique Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now