Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I heaved a deep breath and sat on the long bamboo chair inside the cottage we rented. After we settled our things, we started minding our own business.

I'm too lazy to walk so I stayed here in the cottage. Ate Mavis' busy chatting with men she had met, Zai and Josh are both busy taking pictures and surely enjoying the trip, and Clajj's also busy talking to men which I think he's close with.

Right there, I feel like an outcast. Totally, an outsider.  I used to think that it's okay to feel alone, but seeing people walking passed by our cottage wearing all smiles, I feel like my whole life is lonely.

The happiness I see in their eyes are purely genuine. Like there's no glint that they're forcing themselves to be happy. Meanwhile, I was suppressed by this kind of things, as I am raised to make effort in building my better future and swerve from distraction that may come my way.

I exhaled deeply before wearing my airpods to play music that could somehow comfort me. Yet it took me for a couple of minutes to be alone because Clajj attended me here in the cottage.

"Hi," he said in low voice.

I don't want to be rude, so I wear off my airpods and looked at him in confusion. "Hello?"

"Want to come with me?" He asked while eyes are on me as if trying to weigh my emotions.

"Where to?"

"Remember what I have asked you earlier? If you wanted to come and hike with me?" He smiled and offered his hand.

My mouth left open and stared at him in amusement. "As in right now?"

He nodded, "Unless you have other plans in mind, then we can just move it for later."

I shook my head to deny, "No, I don't have other plans in mind, actually."

A wide smile appeared on his lips as if what I've said is some sort of good news that could benefit him. Clajj stood up and held my wrist. "I think I've just closed a deal. So let's go?"

Clajj helped me stood up, and a small smile made its way on my lips. "Okay, we'll do that."

"Iwan mo na lang ang bag mo dito baka mabigatan ka. You can get things you needed and put it in my bag, it's convenient." He lowly said and placed the bag.

Tumango ako at kinuha ang mga kakailangan ko sa bag. I took the towelette, a bottled water, and my camera. Nagsuot na ako ng ball cap, at binitbit ang bag niya. I walked towards where Clajj was, and curiosity rose in me as I realized that he's talking to someone which I think is familiar to me. A smile crept to my lips as I remembered his name... Claudien Cordova.

"Oh, hi! It's nice to see you here in Antique." Claudien said as he noticed me, few feet away from Clajj.

"Hi, good to see you too."

Claudien smiled at me. "Who are you with, Sienna?"

"I'm with my older sister, my cousin and her boyfriend, and... Clajj."

Tumango-tango si Claudien at napasulyap kay Clajj habang nakangisi. "Oh, okay. Anyways, my friends are already calling me... so see you around when I see you."

I nodded and I almost stumble on my feet when Clajj pulled me away, leaving Claudien chuckling while looking at us.

"That's rude," I only said. I joined the pace of how he walks. I couldn't see his reaction since I'm behind him and he's not letting go of my wrist. "Hey Clajj!"

Natigil siya sa paglalakad at gano'n rin ang ginawa ko. Lumingon siya sa akin at marahang binitawan ang kamay ko. "Uh, sorry about that."

"Sorry about what?" My brows furrowed. "Bakit ka ba kasi basta-bastang nanghihila?"

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