Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It felt like I made the right decision of wearing slippers. I never expected the way to Vitale's Wander is this rocky and slightly muddy. Maybe this property is still under construction? Well, that makes sense.

"Clajj, sigurado ka ba talaga sa dinadaanan natin?" Tanong ko sa kaniya dahil kanina pa kami naglalakad pero hindi niya parin sinasabi kung ano'ng mayroon sa Vitale's Wander.

Napalingon siya sa akin at ibinaling ulit ang atensiyon sa daan. "Malapit na tayo, konting tiis nalang."

Napatango ako at tumahimik. Sa ilang sandali naming paglalakad ay napansin kong nagiging patag na ang lupang dinadaanan namin. Napangiti ako nang dumaan na kami sa tree tunnel dahil hindi na mainit at masarap sa pakiramdam ang hangin.

Tumakbo ako papunta kay Clajj para sana sumabay sa kaniya, pero natisod ako sa malaking bato at napaluhod. I can feel the searing pain on my right knee. I stood up to check it and indeed, it's bleeding, nevertheless a minor wound.

"Clajj..." I lowly muttered his name and I didn't expect him to hear it. "A little help?"

Kumunot ang noo niya pero tumakbo siya papalapit sa kinaroroonan ko. He surveyed me with that intensely serious eyes. My jaw almost dropped when he kneeled and eyes never left at my bleeding knee.

"Ano'ng nangyari sa'yo?" Kalmado niyang tanong at inilabas ang panyo mula sa bulsa. He folded the handkerchief for few times before wrapping it around my bleeding knee.

"It's just a small wound, Clajj. Though, I requested for a little help since I sprained myself." I lowly said, a little embarrassed.

"Can you walk?" Clajj looked at me for a moment before sighing deeply. "Fine, I'll carry you."

Clajj let me ride on his back. I encircled my arms around his neck and he's firmly holding my thighs. Ramdam ko ang malalim niyang paghinga. I could smell his sweat but to my expectation, he's still fragrant and manly.

"Thank you, Clajj." I sincerely said and suppressed my smile. Hindi siya nagsalita at nagpatuloy sa pagkarga sa akin hanggang sa nakarating kami sa tapat ng Vitale's Wander.

I almost tear up, the entrance of the Vitale's Wander is indeed old-timey aesthetic. Really such appealing! Clajj guided me to enter and we were welcomed by various of colorful flowers and non-flowering plant perfectly aligned.

Dumaan kami sa wisteria flower tunnel at may iilang bench roon. Good thing, I brought my phone, and I could take photos until I'm satisfied. Naaamoy ko ang halimuyak ng mga bulaklak at hindi rin nakakagulat dahil tagsibol ngayon.

"Tara na, Nachi. Hindi pa ito ang ipapakita ko sa'yo." Natatawang sabi ni Clajj at naglahad ng kamay.

I sighed before accepting his hand and helped myself stood up. Parang gusto ko nalang tumambay sa wisteria flower tunnel pero hindi ko alam dito kay Clajj. Well, I kinda feel the excitement of knowing how breathtakingly beautiful this place is, and he brought me here. I should feel the honor, because he gave me the chance to take a glimpse of this place. A place... which I could consider spending my life forever with no regrets!

We reached the cascade, and I literally cried with the sight of it. No words could define what I feel, of how the water gushing wildly from the above of the cascade, the birds chirping and flying around, trees swaying to the rhythm of the wind, and the fragrance of flowers dispersing the whole Vitale's Wander.

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