Chapter 43

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I would like to thank you for being patient with me. It took me a year and a few months before I was able to finish revising Clajj and Sienna's story. At last, we're finally done with the first series! This is the last chapter for Embraced by the Howling Winds, and the next update will be the Epilogue. Enjoy reading!

Chapter 43

"Are you okay, hon?" He asked after hugging me upon entering from the door.

I hugged him back and rested my head on his chest. "Thank you for asking. I'm okay... I guess? I'll try to be okay... for myself."

He ushered me to sit on the sofa and took my legs to place on his lap. I felt relieved when he started massaging it.

"Did you have a good talk with your father, hon?"

Hindi ako agad nakasagot sa tanong niya. Bumuntong-hininga ako at napasandal sa balikat niya.

"I never had a good talk with Papa. It always ended up bad on my end. After finding out the truth from his accusation... I wanted nothing but peace. I don't care much about shares or money I'll receive."

I wouldn't know I was crying until he wiped my tears. His gentle caress on my face hushes me. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I don't think I'm able to forgive him, hon. I couldn't think of his ground to accuse me as a product of Mama's affair. My pain after hearing him said that was immeasurable. All his hurtful words back then made me doubt myself, and these days, I realized that it all made sense. He loathed me since then from the moment he thought I wasn't his."

He softly patted my shoulder and tucked the loose strand of my hair at the back of my ear. "I couldn't imagine your pain while hearing his words, but what you felt were valid, hon. I understand why you couldn't forgive your father, and no one will judge you for that. Wounds take time to heal, and it may leave scars. All throughout the process of healing, I'll always stay by your side, and I won't leave you no matter what happens, hon."

"Thank you for everything," I sincerely said and kissed his cheek.

We stayed like that for a while, and Clajj immediately managed to swerve our conversation with another light topic.

He volunteered in cooking our dinner, but of course, I insisted on helping him prepare. He cooked pork menudo. After our feastful dinner, we spent time in the living room rewatching my favorite Korean series— Tomorrow, while having chicken and beer.

At around two in the morning, Clajj's already yawning. So I decided to pause our marathon and went inside our room. Tulog agad si Clajj nang makahiga sa kama. I understand why he's dead tired... a lot had happened today, and he told me earlier that he also dropped by in his company to get some documents to review.

Tumabi ako ng higa sa kaniya pero kahit ano'ng gawin ko ay hindi ako dinalaw ng antok. Hindi umepekto ang ilang beer na ininom ko kanina. Eventually, I decided to get off the bed because I might wake Clajj up if I continued moving to find a better sleeping position.

I warily went out of the room and gone to the balcony. I was embraced by the howling winds, and it made me smile because I was reminded again by my feelings. Being alone in the night like this gives me comfort and sense to think more rationally.

I sat to the floor and submerged my feet in the pool. I lost track of time, and I jolted a bit upon feeling warm hands hindered my vision.

I chuckled softly as his warm breath tickled my neck. Hinawakan ko ang kamay niyang nakatakip sa mata ko para alisin iyon.

"Can't sleep, hon? Do you want me to get milk for you or prepare a chamomile tea?" He asked after sitting beside me and also submerged his feet in the pool.

Embraced By The Howling Winds (Antique Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now