Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

A week had already passed after the trip I had with Clajj. I can noticed that we grew more intimate but not to the point that we're leading to do that deed. Just that, we became intimate in confiding something to each other.

I stayed at Tita Zadie's house for a week since I don't want her to worry too much. It was scheduled and decided that I'll stay in their house for a week every month. Ayokong iparamdam kina Tita Zadie na hindi sila importante sa buhay ko, na hindi ko na sila kailangan kaya hindi ako nagpaparamdam.

Nakasanayan na naming umuwi ng magkasama ni Clajj. Though there are times that I go home alone since his class schedule doesn't meet mine. To be honest, everytime I'm having a conversation with Clajj even by just texting, my dejection subside and he makes me feel that he's there to listen once I'll open my mouth and comfort me when I let out my unexplainable tears.

It's Saturday today, and as usual I had plans with Clajj. Though he's the one who arranged and plotted it. Papasok kami sa kakahuyan at ramdam ko ang kakaibang ihip ng hangin. Mas malamig at presko ang hangin.

Nang huminto ang motor niya ay nabigla ako nang takpan ni Clajj ang mga mata ko gamit ang panyo niya. I didn't smell danger so I let him do what he want.

"Clajj, where are you taking me?" I know he could sense the excitement in my voice.

Hindi ko rin naman kasi maitago iyon. Inalalayan niya ako sa paglalakad at nakahawak siya sa braso ko kaya siguradong hindi ako madadapa anumang segundo.

"You'll find out eventually. Just trust me in this, we're almost there." His voice was so assuring that I couldn't help myself not to nod in agreement.

Ilang sandali pa kaming naglakad ni Clajj at nararamdaman ko ang damo sa paa hanggang sa sumunod na sandali ay wala na akong maramdaman sa paa ko.

I feel Clajj's presence just behind my back and he slowly remove the blindfold. My jaw totally dropped at the sight on a modern tree house before my eyes. I glanced at the surrounding, this is very ecstatic! Mula rito ay nakikita ko ang isla ng La Societe, at rinig na rinig ko ang mga huni ng ibon.

"Sa'yo ba 'to Clajj?" Nasa mababa at maingat na boses kong tanong sa kaniya.

He only nodded. I looked at him to ask permission if I can enter his tree house and when he nodded again, I didn't wait for any second and immediately rush towards it.

Maliit lang ang tree house pero kakasya naman ang limang tao sa loob. Mayroon terrace at may dalawang upuan na may cushion pillows. May duyan ding nakasabit sa malaki at matibay na sanga ng kahoy.

Pumasok ako sa loob at nalula ako dahil sa dami ng sketches at paintings. Pero bukod sa lahat ng iyon, naagaw ng isang painting ang buong atensiyon ko. I'm certain that the girl in the artwork is me, this scene was back when we were in Mararison Island last December.

"Nagustuhan mo ba?" Rinig kong tanong ni Clajj na kapapasok palang. Napalingon ako sa kaniya at nakita ko kung paano sumeryoso ang mukha niya nang itinuro ko ang painting.

"You painted me," I lowly said stated.

His eyes softened and gave me a genuine smile. "Yes, I did... You're just so happy that time that I couldn't stop taking pictures of you, then I painted one of it. I'm sorry, I didn't ask permission before doing it."

"No, it's alright. I'm not furious... actually, I feel the opposite. I'm amazed of how you painted me, the colors, the contrast, and the shadows."

"I'm glad you like it."

"You're doing this out of hobby or as a past time?" I asked while thoroughly scanning the other artworks.

"I guess, both. How 'bout you? You're also good at paintings and such, passion?"

Embraced By The Howling Winds (Antique Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now