Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Kanina pa ako lakad-balik dito sa labas ng bahay, nagdadalawang isip kung papasok ba o hindi. Kinakabahan ako at nilukob ng samut-saring emosyon ang sistema.

"Kalma, Nachi. Gagawin mo lang naman 'to para sa Papa at katahimikan mo." Alo ko sa sarili at pinalipas muna ang ilang sandali bago tuluyang pumasok.

Gulat ang mga kasambahay nang makita ako pero nagawa parin naman nilang bumati at nagtanong kung ano'ng maipaglilingkod nila sa akin.

"May mga gamit lang akong kukunin sa kwarto," tangi kong sabi bago tuluyang umakyat.

Indeed, I took some of my things, which I perceived beneficial for me in the future and put it inside my duffel bag.

As I exited my room, nervousness crept my system, which made me feel hesitant whether to barge into Papa's room or not.

"Just a strand of his hair, no biggie." I said to myself before twisting the door of Papa's room open.

I was stunned due to the fact that the master's bedroom was the same as before when Mama's still alive. Iyong wedding photo nila ay naroon parin sa dingding at bedside table, at ang amoy ng pabango ni Mama ay kumakalat sa paligid.

I reached their walk-in closet, and a memory refreshes my mind made me shed a tear. When I was young, Papa and I hid here, and he told me how much he treasured Mama all his life. That time, I was amazed by their love. And now, seeing all Mama's clothes still perfectly arranged in the closet made me doubt if Papa truly loathed her.

Bago pa ako tuluyang maging emosyonal at sentimental ay pumasok na ako para kunin ang suklay ni Papa at agad na lumabas. I took my duffel bag and immediately exited the house, then drove away.

I then gave the hair samples from me and Papa to a friend who's expert in the field. Yet he advised me to get a blood sample from Papa to have a high percent accuracy of DNA results.

"I'll see what I can do," I stated. "I'm sorry for bothering you, I know you're too busy at the laboratory."

"It's okay, Sienna, no worries. Uunahin ko nalang itong i-test sa lab." Aniya at bumalik na sa loob dahil nakasuot parin siya ng lab gown, at safety gloves at goggles.

He didn't wait for me to say thank you, so I opted on texting him. When he saw my message, that's the moment I started the engine of Clajj's car and returned to his penthouse.

I sucked up all the courage I had to call Ate Mavis in the middle of the night. Clajj's already sleeping soundly, so I've gone to the balcony, and the cold wind immediately brushes against my bare skin as I stepped out.

"Hi, Ate Mavis... I'm sorry for calling this late." I softly uttered and bite my lower lip.

I heard Ate Mavis groaned, so I assumed that my call woke her up. "No, it's okay. Good thing you called or else I would be sleeping the whole night in the office."

My brows furrowed, "Huh? Are you still there this late?"

"Yes, I am. Para kasing napilayan iyong kompanya nang hindi na ikaw ang namuno. Honestly, I kinda admire you for your effort in our company. Grabe ka na, paano mo kaya nakaya ang pressure?"

Natatawa si Ate Mavis habang sinasabi iyon kaya napangiti ako. "I'm sorry, Ate. You can tell me about the problems our company is facing, and I'll help you as I can."

"No, it's okay, Nach. Kaya na ito ng ate mo. Just take your time to rest, I know you've been through a lot. I wanted to protect your peace, and I apologize for not being there when you need me the most. I've heard about such revelations. Are you okay? Let's meet up?" Her voice so soft that I could sense her utmost concern towards me.

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