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When most people here the word Stark they immediately think of Tony Stark. They never assume it's anything to do with his younger sister Kathleen Mai Stark. The youngest child of Howard and Maria Stark, the child that at the age of 5 used to sneak around in her fathers lab. The child that was so desperate to see her Father that she accidentally knocked over toxic chemicals that her father was using as part of replicating the serum that was once used on captain Rogers. The chemicals didn't harm her, or so they all thought. Instead Kathleen was given the ability to move and manipulate objects as well as being able to create fire.

At the age of ten Kathleen was by far the smartest person of her age and for that reason finished school before any of her classmates. Kathleen was an exceptionally bright young girl who was always happy and cheerful. At the age of 15 Kathleen had graduated collage and spent her free time helping her father in his lab or spending her time in the studio built for her.

After Tony Stark announced himself as Ironman, Kathleen was spotted by S.H.I.E.L.D and offered a place to train as an agent. Kathleen spent her time then training to become the best agent she could be working alongside Natasha and Clint, soon becoming one of Fury's best agents.

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