Chapter 16

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The party is now about to start and Steve and I are currently in our room getting ready. I'm currently in the putting my shoes on, I reach my arm behind me to do my dress up but huffing as I can't quite reach it. "Steve? Can you come here please?" I call out to him and moments later he appears in the doorway "Can you do me up please?" I ask as I turn around and move my hair to the side. His fingers send shivers up my spine as he carefully does up my dress, and once finished he places a soft kiss on my neck making me smile as I turn to face him.

"You look beautiful Doll" Steve says kissing me and I melt into his touch

"You look pretty handsome yourself, Captain"I say leaning in close to him so my lips graze his before I quickly pull away and head towards the door "Come on can't be late for our own party" I say smirking before walking into our main room

"I'll remember that" Steve says walking out of the closet and over to me

"Remember what Cap?" I ask smirking as he walks over in front of me

"You know exactly what" Steve smiles before kissing me and then walking out of the room making me smile.

"Rhodey!" I shout as I walk over to him, drink in hand

"Hey Kat" Rhodey says as I hug him

"How have yo been?" I ask him

"Not to bad. What about you. How's my favourite super hero?" Rhodey teases making me roll my eyes as I glance at Steve who is talking to Sam

"I'm not a super hero. Just a person who cares for others, while also falling completely in love with with the one only Captain America" I tell Rhodey while drinking some of my drink "You know there is a room here, with your name on it" I tell him

" I know but I'm not sure if I'm ready to spend everyday with your brother" Rhodey smirks

"I don't blame you . If you don't mind I'm gonna go find Steve and make sure he's not doing anything stupid" I politely tell Rhodey and I give him a hug before walking off.

As I reach Steve I pass Nat who walks up the stairs with a drink and I see Bruce also leaving the bar making me smirk to myself. It's so obvious they like each other. "Hey" I say snaking my arms around Steve from behind him making him chuckle

"You okay Doll?" Steve asks me kissing my forehead as he turns to face me

"Now that I found you. Never better" I reply smiling as I peck his lips

"How much have you had to drink" Steve asks me wrapping his arms around my waist

"Not much, but if I have anymore I'm gonna throw up" I reply smiling up at him

"Come on Doll, let's go get you sat down" Steve says wrapping an arm around me as we walk up to the sofas

"But, it's a trick!" Clint says pointing to Thor's hammer that sits on the table in front of us along with empty Chinese boxes

"Oh, no. It's much more than that." Thor replies smiling as Steve wraps an arm around my waist as he sits beside me

" Uh, "Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Whatever man! It's a trick." Clint laughs

"Well please, be my guest." Thor tells him motioning towards the hammer

"Come on." Tony encourages him smirking

"Really?" Clint ask someone in disbelief

"Yeah! "Thor says still smiling and Clint get some up

"Oh this is gonna be beautiful." Rhodey comments laughing

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