Chapter 21

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"Anything on Nat?" I ask as I walk into the the lab to see Clint, Bruce and Tony all doing their own thing

"Haven't heard. But she's alive, or Ultron'd be rubbing our faces in it." Tony tells me making me nod. Nat better be alive or i'll bring her back from the dead and kill her myself for making me mourn

"This is sealed tight." Clint says

"We're going to need to access the program, break it down from within." Bruce explains to us as I walk over to my computer

"Hm. Any chance Natasha might leave you a message, outside the internet, old school spy stuff?" Tony questions Clint

"There's some nets I can cast. Yeah, alright. I'll find her"Clint says with determination before walking out of the room

" I can work on tissue degeneration, if you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted." Bruce says looking between me and Tony

"Yeah, about that" Tony says making me and Bruce turn to look at him

"No." I immediately tell him

"You have to trust me." Tony tells me and Bruce

"Kinda don't." Bruce replies shaking his head

"Our ally? The guy protecting the military's nuclear codes? I found him." Tony explains as he brings up Jarvis's consciousness

"Hello, Miss Stark Dr. Banner." Jarvis says making me smile at his voice, god I missed him

"Ultron didn't go after JARVIS cause he was angry. He attacked him because he was scared of what he can do. So JARVIS went underground. Okay? Scattered, dumped his memory. But not his protocols. He didn't even know he was in there, until I pieced him together." Tony explains to us, getting us to understand him

"So, you want us to help you put JARVIS into this thing?" Bruce questions unsure

"No, of course not! I want to help you and Kat put JARVIS in this thing." Tony says and Bruce soon shakes his head "We're out of my field here. You know bio-organics better than anyone." Tony continues

"And you just assume that JARVIS' operational matrix can beat Ultron's?" I question

"JARVIS has been beating him from inside without knowing it. This is the opportunity, we can create Ultron's perfect self, without the homicidal glitches he thinks are his winning personality. We have to." Tony replies looking at us seriously

"I believe it's worth a go." Jarvis adds in

"No, I'm in a loop! I'm caught in a time loop, this is exactly where it all went wrong." Bruce argues

"I know, I know. I know what everyone's going to say, but they're already saying it. We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. You gotta own it. Make a stand. It's not a loop. It's the end of the line." Tony explains

"Alright, I'm in"

"framework is not compatible." Tony mutters as I work at the screen helping him and Bruce

"The genetic coding tower's at ninety-seven percent. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes." Bruce says looking over at me and as I look up I'm greeted with the sight of a hot super soldier and two twins

"I'm gonna say this once." Steve says to us

"How about "nonce"?" Tony questions

"Shut it down!" Steve orders us

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