Chapter 36

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Since the snap something changed in the world. It was like all hope and happiness had vanished it was like you could never be happy again it was a curse. Time had stopped or so it seemed.

Natasha and I found some sort of device that belonged to Fury who unfortunately isn't with us anymore. Everyday I wait and I prey Tony will show up but so far luck hasn't been with me.

I stand beside Steve at the counter top with a cup of coffee in hand, the only thing that's keeping me awake." This is a nightmare" Steve mutters as i stare at the screen showing us all those that were wiped out.

"I've had worst nightmares. Trust me" I reply with a small smile as Rhodey and Nat walk in so we turn to face them.

Hey, so that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing" Rhodey says making me and Steve glance at each other before walking with them into the room where Bruce is with the device.

"What do we got?" Nat asks crossing her arms as she does

"whatever single it was sending finally crept up" Bruce replies

"I though we bypassed the battery" Steve asks Bruce

"we did. It's still plugged in it just... it stopped" Rhodey explains to us

"Reboot the signal and try again" I tell Bruce as I glance at Steve who looks somewhat confused

"We don't even know what's on this thing" Bruce tells us

"Fury did" I answer at the same time Nat does

"Tell me the second you get the signal, I want to know who's on the other end of this thing"Nat says as she turns around and soon gasps making me turn and face a woman standing there. The women stands in some sort of armour staring at the five of us making me and Steve share a worrying look.

"Where's Fury?"

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