Chapter 12

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Since the mission Steve has been acting a little distant which is unusual for him but I can't blame him for being annoyed.

I decided as Steve is of who knows where that I might as well spend sometime shopping for some new bits for the tower with my old school mate Khloe. "What about this interior for the closet?" Khloe asks pointing to one infront

"No way that's ancient, i need something modern" I tell her with a smile

"I thought you liked things ancient?" Khloe asks with a smirk making me roll my eyes at her

"Very funny" I reply with a smile as my phone starts ringing. Picking my phone up from my pocket, I see the caller ID is Steve so I immediately answer it "Hey, what up?" I ask him

"Fury's been shot" Steve says making me freeze up

"I'm on my way" I reply quickly hanging up and racing out of the store and over to my car ignoring Khloe's shouting.

"Is he gonna make it?" I ask Steve as I walk into the room where we can see Fury and the nurses are hard at work trying to help him

"I don't know." Steve replies

"Tell me about the shooter." Nat says to Steve still staring at Fury

"He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm." Steve replies as Agent Hill walks in and joins

"Ballistics?" I ask her

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." Hill says making me sigh

"Soviet-made" Nat states

"Yeah." Hill replies as Fury's state deteriorates

"He's in V-tach." A nurse states

"Crash cart coming in." Another nurse adds

"BP is dropping." The other nurse says

"Defibrillator!" The doctor orders and we watch as Fury is flatlining

"Don't do this to me, Nick." I mutter under my breath as the doctors call out the time of death

Me, Nat and Steve are in a room with Fury's body laying on the table and this honestly doesn't seem real

"I need to take him." Hill says as Steve walks over to me as I stand over Fury's body

"Kat" Steve says but I don't respond instead I tenderly touch Fury's head before turning and walking out the room "Kat" Steve calls and I stop and face him

"Why was Fury in our apartment?" I ask quickly wiping away my tears

"I don't know" Steve tells me but he's lying I can tell

"Cap, they want you back at SHIELD" Rumlow says interrupting us

"Yeah, give me a second." Steve tells him

"They want you now." Rumlow says seriously

"Okay." Steve says before facing me again

"You're a terrible liar Steve" I say giving him a hug before pulling away " I have a plane to catch, i'll be back in a few days so please don't do anything stupid" I tell him with a smile

"I can't make any promises" Steve smirks pecking my lips

"I love you, Rogers" I say before turning and heading out of the hospital and to my car before driving straight to the airport.

"You're an hour late" Pepper tells me as I board the private plane

"Yeah I just had a few things to sort out" I lie not in the mood to talk about Fury "No Tony?" I ask looking around the plane

"No, apparently he has more important things to do then attend this meeting" Pepper says to me

"Of course he is" I reply with a chuckle as the plane takes off. I just hope Steve will okay until I get back because something definitely didn't feel right when Rumlow wanted him as SHIELD.

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