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Taehyung's POV


"Perfect, just like that." I complimented Sunmi, watching over her as she took the pad of her pointer finger over the chalky pastel on the piece of paper.

"I feel like this looks sloppy." She frowns, setting down the pastel on the desk.

I gazed over her work, cocking my head to the side and wondering why she felt like that. "Don't talk like that, you're learning."

She sighed, her lips pouting like a baby. "So what you're saying is that it's horrible?"

"No! Not at all."  I studied her artwork for a second before responding. "It looks really good. You can't mess up. Your blending is incredible. Just keep going with this."

Sunmi sat back in her seat, her arms crossing over her arms. "I feel like it's lacking something, don't you think?"

I pondered again. "What do you mean?"

"The water. I feel like it needs a ripple effect and I'm unsure on how to do that with chalk." She frowns.

"I have an idea." My face lit up, leaning over to my drawer and taking out a couple Dixie cups." We can add just a tad bit  of paint for some more depth."

I took my water bottle, pouring enough water into the cup so we could clean the brush after. I then took the bottle of blue paint, pouring enough for the painting.

"This is expensive paint. We cannot waste a dot." I smiled, dipping my finger in it gently and quickly hooping Sunmi's nose with it.

She giggles and her ruby lips form a smile. "Hey! What the heck!"

I laugh, reaching for another container of paint. I could see Sunmi in the corner of my eye, her hand reaching for paint and I knew I was in danger.

It attempt to stop her, I turned but my actions were too late.

Sunmi dotted my nose with the paint, and I scrunched my nose as she did it while letting out a laugh. "Okay, watch it!" I laugh while squinting my eyes close and move a little away from her.

She just started a war, and I was going to win.

I open my eyes and I quickly swiped my finger in the paint and smearing a streak onto Sunmi's cheek. I watched her as she began to squeal. "Just because I did it to you doesn't mean you can do it to me!" Her eyes were playful and she couldn't stop giggling, and I had to admit, it was cute.

"It's only fair!" I smirked back at her and I watched her as quickly dipped her fingers into the paint and went to smear it on my cheek.

I playfully grabbed her wrist, keeping it away from my face as she tried to fight my strength off. She tried bringing her other hand to combat mine, but caught her in her grasp. "Give up, you're not going to win this."

"You don't play fair." Sunmi pouts while sticking her tongue out towards me but quickly begins to giggle again.

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