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(Rose's POV)

A place to live.
A place for normalcy.
A place to finally call home.

A place to raise a family...with the correct help and support we have needed...how could things turn around this quickly for us?

I couldn't wait to gush about this exciting news...to plan our future together.

Taehyung and I walk into his bedroom. He shuts he door, placing his phone onto his nightstand and I take a seat on the bed.

He appears to be stressed, and although this news makes me happy, my gut is telling me that something is off from him and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"While I'm happy about the news, I'm quite worried about the possibility of living with your brother..." Taehyung sighs heavily as he takes a seat next to me. I wrap my arm around him in support as his worried sight take a seat in his own lap.

"I think this could be a great thing for us. This can give you both the opportunity to work on your relationship and communicate better. This is a blessing in disguise, Taehyung. Everything is falling into our hands and it's our time to grasp onto it. Your parents are giving this opportunity to guide us through this life changing experience, we should take it hands on. This is what we need." I try to get him to listen, but he sighs once again.

"I appreciate what my parents are doing, especially my mother because I know we don't know what to expect and with her help I feel a little less stressed about that. I just don't know if living with your brother during this is going to help." Taehyung looks at me, his eyes glistening with worry.

"This isn't permanent. This is just to make do with what we've been handed."

"I'm unsure if you get what I'm meaning by this...." Taehyung says.

"Then tell me." I need to understand so I can help this situation.

"This is a huge change, okay? And while I'm only human and I make mistakes, I don't want those mistakes to become present to your brother. It will only give him ammo for his argument that I'm just not a good fit. I don't need that kind of stress, I'm already stressed enough as it is." Taehyung admits and I rub his back with understanding.

"He has made plenty of mistakes himself, Taehyung. Namjoon is no saint. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect. I wouldn't pay attention to him." I assure him, but it wasn't enough.

"I know. I just feel like it would be easier if it was just you and I. I know it's selfish, he needs a place to stay so I don't mind. But...i've made mistakes and I'm probably going to continue to do it. I just don't need him watching over my shoulder what I chose to do. I'm already my toughest critic, I don't need another reminding me of how I'm not good enough." Taehyung sulks, which his words causes me to feel sad for him.

"I will talk to him about this. I feel like there has to be ground rules on how all of this will go. We all have to have some respect if we want this to work. But we have to put all of our feelings aside, we are here for this." I place his hand on my bloated tummy, and our eyes instantly lock with the same love. "It's for this, Taehyung."

"You have no idea the type of feelings I get when I think about this." Taehyung softly says, his eyes guiding to my tummy. "Just the feeling. There's a part of me growing inside of you, and that just makes my heart flutter with love. It puts things into perspective for me. I want to try my very best. I will do anything for this."

I smile at his comment. "I love hearing that come from you. I want you to have some faith, Taehyung. I know this little bean in me has faith in you, and I do too. I want you to have some too."

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