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(Rose's POV)

I started to wake up. My eyes were heavy as I tried to open them but someone pulled the blinds up, allowing the sun to beat the warmness of its rays into the room.

I feel a hand brushing my hair back, my vision still blurry from sleep as I tried opening them fully.

"There you are." Namjoon whispers to me in a comforting matter. My eyes are now fully open and I crack a small smile at him as his dimples begin to poke.

"Did you sleep good?" He asks me.

Still too tired to speak, I nod my head. This hospital bed wasn't the most comfortable, but I'll take it.

"You get to go home soon. We have to check you out by 10am this morning." He states as my eyes wander around the room. Jungkook and Taehyung are no where in sight. They were both asleep in the chair next to me, which brings sudden confusion to me.

"Where is Taehyung? And Jungkook?" I ask, rubbing my eye with my hand. I felt my brows knit forward. Did they just leave?

"Taehyung is pulling the car around right now so you don't have to walk to the car. The doctor said to take care of yourself. The bleeding could effort your iron levels, so you'll be pretty dizzy for the next couple days." Namjoon explains and I nod.

"I'll be cautious and I'll take it easy, Namjoon. I know I'll be okay. Just have to eat a lot of bbq this weekend I guess." I flash a smile to him and he laughs before pecking me with a loving kiss on top of my head.

Namjoon brings me into him, giving me the warmest hug he's ever given me. "I'm so happy you're okay, love. You have no idea how worried I was for you. But you're okay now. I'm so happy you're going to be okay."

My eyes meet his and they exchange glances full of hope as the door to my left announces that someone is entering.

Jungkook walks into the room and we break. "Namjoon, do you mind bringing the stuff down to the car? Taehyung is waiting at the front." Jungkook says and Namjoon nods his head in understanding.

"I'll load the car and give you a ring when everything is packed. Do you mind checking her out? I put you on the list of emergency, so I'm assuming that you'll be able to do so." Namjoon asked and Jungkook nods back.

"I can do that. We will be down shortly." Jungkook says. Namjoon picks the bags up and exits the room. As soon as the door shuts, Jungkook's attention is on me.

"Are you feeling better? How did you sleep?" He asks me, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

I bat my eyes to him as I pout my lips. "As good as I could, I guess. These things aren't comfortable, but it'll do for the time being. I'm also uncomfortable since I'm sleeping with a pad on. It's the worst. Be thankful you don't have to experience this."

Jungkook giggles and he brushes the back of his fingers onto my cheeks. "I am thankful that I don't have to experience that. But what I'm also thankful for, is that you're okay."

I grab onto his wrist, my cheeks blushing at his comment and Jungkook flashes me a famous bunny smile. "Thank you for showing up, Jungkook. Thanks for caring about what I'm going through."

"I love you, Rosie. I'm always going to be here for you." He tells me and he brings his hand to his lap. "So, how are things with Taehyung? Is he feeling better? He seemed stressed about everything."

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