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(Rose's POV)

My head aches, so I try to rest my head on the pillow that rests on the back of my neck. I exhale, trying to soak in the little bit of peace I can have.

My eyelids are heavy as the begin to shut and the sunlight shining in can still be seen behind them, causing a bit of tension in the front of my forehead.

Even though I'm beyond exhausted, I'd do anything for this pain to go away.

My shoulders begin to relax, when my ears pick up a small cry coming from the cradle in my arms.

I immediately perk up and my nose lets out an ugly snort. With one eye opening before the other, they gaze down at the beautiful being wrapped in a tiny white cloth blanket.

Kim Hana.

Just a day old, she begins to cry and her eyes don't produce any tears. Her cries get louder and louder and as a new mother, I don't know what she needs.

"Shhh, Hana." I try to calm her down as I adjust my body. I curl my pointer finger on my left hand, bringing it down to her lips. The crying baby is finally hushed as she latches onto my finger thinking I'm feeding her.

She's hungry, alright.

"I just fed you two hours ago," I sigh under my breath as I begin to adjust my strap to begin to feed her. "Is this even healthy for you to be eating so much?" As a new mother, I have no idea what I'm doing. Maybe I should ask a nurse or something if it's normal for a baby to be so hungry.

I draw my strap down, bringing the baby to her food source as there is a knock on my hospital door. With no okay to enter, the person walks in anyway.

"Park Roseanne?" The nurse asks. "I'm sorry to interrupt."

"It's okay." I say as I adjust the feeding baby in my arms.

"They're here." And with those words, my lips press together as my expression causes a blank.

They're here.

My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach as I look at the hungry baby eating away. I've already somewhat bonded with her...taking care of her at night. I feed her, change her, cuddle her and bless her with so many kisses.

This isn't what I wanted. I know this isn't what I wanted.

Is it too late to change my mind?

I can't give her up.

"I-" But my plea is silenced as a fairly young couple walks through my doorway.

I look at the smiling couple. "Hello, Roseanne."

The young woman is gives me a closed smile while the man she is with wraps his arm around her to bring her in close. He smiles as well.

Hana stops eating, and I slide myself back into my shirt as it's uncomfortable for me to be somewhat exposed in front of strangers. Hana begins to squirm in my arms and her curious eyes turn to the couple in front of my bed.

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