Chapter 14: Feelings

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Taehyung stepped forward and before Hoseok could realize, Tae closed the space and pressed his own lips on Hoseok's, kissing him. This is what I want..

He stayed there for a few seconds but every passing moment, he realized his bold move more and more. His cheeks started burning red with heat, what did I just do?! I can't believe I kissed him once before. This feels more... real.. and more nerve-wracking!

He pulled back shyly and averted his eyes, not being able to look at Hoseok, he felt more embarrassed after the gravity of the moment hit him. But he had to get his feelings through to the other side. He glanced back and forth at the shocked & speechless Hoseok.

"Th-this t-time I am sober.." Taehyung whispered.

Hoseok only stared at him in surprise while he held his fingers to his lips, possible processing what just happened, not uttering a single word. It made Taehyung more anxious, he bit his lip while trying to calm his racing heart.

"I-I know I'm selfish b-but I don't want you to be with someone else.." He glanced at Hoseok who still stayed quiet, "I'm sorry.. I know you're dating someone already and maybe that's why you've started ignoring me.. but- but I didn't want to regret my whole life that I did nothing when I still had time."

"I'm not dating him. That was Jungkook.." Hoseok said in a light and calm voice, as if it was hard enough for him to utter a single syllable.

"Wh-what?!" Taehyung gasped. He went completely blank the moment he heard it. There was a burst of mixed feelings inside him; he felt equally happy and embarrassed. Maybe the happiness was a little more than the embarrassment. A smile crept onto his lips but he just cleared his throat and tried smearing it off. His face flushed red, his cheeks heating up, he didn't know what to say or do.

They just stared at each other blankly while the wind of the night blew, making things more chilly than it already was.

"So umm.."

"Tae. Look.. I care for you. You mean a lot to me.. but about romantic feelings.. I don't know."


Hoseok bit his lip, "And.. we are boys. We always were. We aren't supposed to feel for each other, you know? Things were different as kids.. we were. You were childish.. so was I. We're older now, we should know better than anyone that it's not possible.." He chuckled. "Let's just forget this happened.. Nothing will change between us, okay?" He smiled at him.

Taehyung kept silent, his words falling back to his stomach; his throat, chest, face, it all felt funny, as if he'd cry if he even utters a single word. He took a deep breath and mumbled, "Okay.." his voice broken, he cleared his throat and glanced at Hoseok, forcing a smile.

"It's getting late, let's go.. I'll walk you to your dorm."

"No, I'm fine. I can go alone."

Hoseok giggled and messed his hair up, "I'm not taking any chances. Next I might see you ran away to your hideout instead of going back to the dorms."

He flinched at the touch and moved his head away, "No, I won't. You can leave."

Hoseok's laugh dimmed slightly but he just held onto his wrist instead, pulling him towards the direction of the university, "I'm not. Let's go."

Taehyung was practically being dragged, he tried to break away but gave up when Hoseok didn't let go. "Can you let go, please? I can walk."

"Promise me you won't run away again?"

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