Chapter 35: Farewell - Part 2

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Seokjin sat at the bar table and drank in a gloomy manner. His alcohol tolerance being high, he still was in his senses. So it was surprising how he was upset at his own graduation party.

Namjoon walked over to him after greeting a guest, he took a seat beside him, facing him. "You still upset?"

Seokjin chuckled bitterly, "You tell me."

Namjoon placed his hand over Seokjin's hand, "I know you don't agree with your dad.. butㅡ"

"But you are the one deserving to carry on the legacy of this family business! I do not want a part in this. I never did!" Jin snapped back. He struggled to manage his anger. For himㅡ Namjoon has always been there for him, but more than that, he felt it was only because of their families, that Namjoon is bound to him.

"Your dad wants you toㅡ"

"I don't care what he wants! Tell me Namjoon, you are loyal to my father more than you are to me, aren't you? You're always following his wishes, always expressing his plans.. just.. do you even care what I want?"

Namjoon took his hand and slowly intertwined with his hand, squeezing it slightly, "I always have been loyal to you, and only you."

"Doesn't seem like it,"

Namjoon's hands reached up to hold his arms, his expression filled with frustration that was similar to the person in front of him, "I care for you. I don't want to see you hurt and that is whyㅡ"

Seokjin grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer with a jerk, Namjoon panicked however he tried calming his focus up on him. Their faces were dangerously close to each other.

Seokjin hissed, "Then why don't you for once speak for yourself?" His breath fanning against his mouth.

Namjoon said softly, "What do you mean?"

"Why are you with me?" Seokjin loosened his grip, his hands now cupping his face, "Why do put up with everything? You say you care for me.. why? I want to know about what you think.. what you feel.."

Seokjin stared at him, awaiting something, anything. Anything that'd give him the calm assurance that he means something to Namjoon apart from a master he was born to serve. Because, Namjoon has never expressed himself, but always been there for him to listen to everything he has to say. He has always followed orders without complaint, but has never expressed his wish or desires.

And Seokjin being himself, never shed light on their relationship either. He saw him as a human, but not that only. For him, Namjoon was not a servant. A friend.. but more than that. Something he never voiced. Namjoon was indispensable to him, but more than that, he was the most important person in his life.

Someone he loved.

But what did Namjoon feel?

"I-" Namjoon paused, taken aback by Seokjin holding him so close and cupping his face like he was. He felt drawn to him. His eyes trailed down to his lips, his mind yelling at himself to hold back, for it wasn't supposed to be this way. He was not supposed to put his feelings first and out before his sworn service to him. He shut his eyes, breathing heavily.

"I- It's my duty to serve youㅡ"

"No!" Seokjin groaned in frustration. "Stop that.."

Namjoon shook his head, "I don't know what you mean.."

"Cut the actㅡ who am I to you?"

"Youㅡ are.. my master." His eyes glazed, fear brimming inside him. For he did not know what would happen if-

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