Attention Whores.

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I'm pretty sure I've ranted about this before, oh well though. It's kind of sad though to see that this community on this app is toxic as fuck due to the countless people who are attention whores surround it.

Take those who fake having a "Multiple personality disorder" on here. Or those who claim that they've been through something tragic when in reality, nothing happened to them.

Or the ones who fucking claim to have been raped on here from sex roleplay or that they're sexually harassed from someone saying perverted shit to them when they could've done the simplest thing like mute them and don't talk to them. (I hate these ones the most out of the others that I've mentioned.)

Here's my question for any of you attention whores who are reading this,

Have you ever considered how scary it'd be to actually have the things that you've claimed to have or been through come into reality?

That's something I question a lot from the people who do that on here or anywhere in general.

For the people with the "Multiple Personality Disorder" shit or mental illness and stuff like that,

Do you guys even know how hard it is for the people who struggle with that type of crap?

I may not have it but fuck, I think it'd be hell for me to go through something like that and having some people look at me crazy for it while having whatever it gives me that sucks.

Some of you might've seen my past chapters when I was alone and might call me out for doing the same stuff, but let me explain.

I never called whatever I did a "Multiple Personality Disorder" because I knew it wasn't that. I never considered it that either. That was just a form of a stupid "coping method" that I had due to so much loneliness I used to have before meeting my friends.

And while it may not be similar to mental illness or anything, it was actually fucking scary to deal with since the habit of my "coping method" had gotten worse to the point of going from giving myself voices for each of them, and then to the thought of getting clothes to wear for each one of them while thinking it was normal.

That was scary enough for me too, so it's pretty sad to see those around taking it as a joke when they have no idea what it's like for the people who actually have it.

Hey, to those who claim that they're going to kill themselves and that they're depressed on here. The same question goes for you, except here's another thing.

Why don't you just shut the fuck up about wanting to die for once and stop taking advantage of those around you who care about you and worry about you?

Like I've explained with the mental illness deal, you're the same. You don't have any idea on those who have actual depression and want to actually end it since they don't want to live. Not because they want attention.

What's worse is that because of you and others who do this so much, people think that those who need help are like you people. So great work with that. What a disgrace.

Onto the next people, those who claim to have been "raped" on here from roleplay.

Out of everyone else I just mentioned and many more that I didn't put in this chapter, you people who do this part are the lowest to me.

And it's not only you, it's the people who claim to get raped in real life too just to get revenge or whatever. Like the people with depression and wanting to kill themselves,

You make it difficult for the victims who have to endure such traumatic memories because some people don't believe us and think that we're faking it.

That's not coming from me just because I hate these people, that's coming from me since I've ACTUALLY been through something similar that's fucked up like that. You people who do this have no damn idea. None of you do.

You claim to have been through that but you don't actually know how it feels wanting to cry or say ow while it happens to you and not moving because you're scared. Not to mention that enduring the pain that people don't believe you, Hell even those who you trusted might even think you're lying too and blame it on you.

And not only that, you blame yourself sometimes because you wish so badly that you could've changed it or done something else to make it better like keeping your mouth shut that way some of the people you care about don't feel guilty for what you've been through.

Oh and here's the fun part! The memories that you have to deal with and remembering every single painful part while you're about to cry from it since you had to go through it!

It's sad to really see people do all of these types of crap without even giving it a second thought about how it actually feels..

All of them make me angry. Some I might be more sensitive to and get more pissed off than the others like the rape roleplay people just now,

But that's not only's because back then since I wasn't really a good person, some people remind me of what I did back then and that pisses me off beyond since it's so hard to even forgive myself for that,

Which is why I get even more pissed off at people. Even if I get angry though, and even if that person may be bad or stupid...

I don't want them doing the same shit like me and being stupid...I want them to be better, even if they're probably bad and crap.

Just learn from it, okay? And don't do it again.

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