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First off, before I get on with my little rant here don't any of you ever disregard the fact that I respect the land and shit of where I'm at unlike before in the past.

No, I didn't disrespect Hawaii or anything. I just used to say that I hated it for..reasons.

I still don't really like it..well I'm not considering living here. Then again, I don't really know where to live since I've only been to literally 4 states at least. My dislike for Hawaii isn't as bad anymore as it was back then, do I recommend living here though even after getting used to it?

Fuck no.

Don't go on asking,"OMG Rei why wouldn't you want to live in Hawaii!? It's a paradise and a dream come true over there! You're so lucky and I'm jealous of that!!"

I appreciate where I live because I'm lucky to have a roof under my head and a bed unlike some people out there in this world.

But don't go saying that it's a paradise over here damn it! The one thing that irritates the piss out of me and ticks me off a little bit is when people say shit like that. That's like you living in Arizona and dying in 100° degree weather and me not living there and going like, "You're so lucky because of the desert and stuff and I've never been there!"

When Arizona is actually really hot and boring to live at for you. Same goes for Hawaii though, Hawaii isn't just some paradise for everyone to live in just because you take a vacation over here and see some of the beaches we have in some areas and tropical shit.

Not to mention that it's fucking expensive over here, I mean..Fourteen dollars over a what, a gallon of fucking milk? Are you crazy!? Over milk!!

Depending on where you live at and maybe even which island, there are some places where it's too expensive to live at like where it's all hotels, buildings, little shopping areas, big homes, etc.

That's where the tourists go to stay or live at if they could even afford it, and when they can't they come over here on the other side of where I live at and if you want to know about where I live at,

Imagine this. If you were with me and I took you from where I lived at which has beaches around it that are clear, a lot of Hawaiians (of course), 7 eleven that gets chronics at 1 AM, houses that have cars (old ones/broken ones) around their yard including the junk yard, it would be hell of a lot different from an at least 20/30 minute drive away to the other side of the island which includes

Tourists (a lot), dirty ass beaches, lots of buildings or hotels, fancy looking houses, little shopping areas with modern clothes, and so much more to make the people who come here for vacation believe that it's a "paradise." When they haven't seen the other side of it.

I don't know about you guys who are reading this, and you can have your opinion on this too I don't mind because that's your opinion and I respect it. But I kind of quite get annoyed from the fact that Hawaiians who can't afford homes where the tourists go to since it's fucking expensive because of that have their shit crowded from the tourists coming over here and living here because they can't afford shit that's expensive.

Not to mention the amount of them that I see on the beaches whenever I go for a ride past it, sure I get it it's their vacation and they want to explore it. But I will warn that there are quite a bit of homeless people that live in this area I'm in and I'm sure that they'll most likely break your car window and take whatever you have. That's not an assumption either, when I was hiking one time at somewhere I saw glass shards that looked to be from car windows all over next to the sidewalk and street of where you could park.

And it's kind of annoying seeing everyone crowd the beach and make some areas a parking space for beaches when there was none there to begin with. In general though, I just hate crowded areas so that includes people who live on this land too instead of the ones who are here for vacation hehehe XD

I would say more like how it's a bit irritating to me yet understandable of why tourists visit here in specifically where I live, but I don't want anyone to go all angry from those opinions since political shit or whatever the fuck of it is annoying to me. I'm neutral on that too..mostly.

And I don't want to go too into detail of why I don't recommend living here from where I live at because it's sort of personal/complicated.

But yeah, just don't say that it's a damn paradise to live here just because you've seen people saying that or the areas you've visited for vacation that LOOK like it's paradise, because it isn't just rainbows and sunshine over here.

Ugh, god I hate it a lot when people say that it's a paradise to live in to me.

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