Helping Friends

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Earlier this late night I had one of my damn friends from a server that I'm in come over to me due to the other people not willing to be there for her.

I won't say what it's all about, but to keep it short she has bad health issues that affect her severely and had symptoms of what could possibly be deadly that could result in a shortage of her life years.

No one decided to even help her, not even her closest friends.

I was just being all sad about a baby bird that I watched grow die today, but besides that of course I found out she was venting about it and really needed someone since she was scared.

Yet once I talked about the bird, her friends just felt bad for me immediately and hopped onto my situation that's less dangerous than her's which pisses me off since that tells me that they're being neglectful of her.

Of course, I helped calmed her down and thankfully she's okay now. However, I'm pissed off that the people she trusted weren't really going to her when she needed them most.

That's the thing that pisses me off with people too sometimes depending on the situation.

Like, if your friend is going through some terrible shit that's serious (Not like you attention whores who claim to have depression or threaten suicide -_-) then you should be there for them rather than ignore them and try avoiding the situation.

You may think you're not good with advice or anything for the friend or don't know what to say, but it's better to be there and try comforting them rather than just shrugging it off.

Don't just type in dots and shit either. That doesn't help at all, you shouldn't roleplay hug and stuff too if the situation is serious. Just try to give advice and listen to them,

Now unless if this person is just saying "I'm gonna kms" and not telling you then don't waste your time on helping them. They just want your attention rather than your help which is fucking shitty.

And if they say that they're wasting your time? Guess what, They are. If they were so worried about wasting your time then they would've shut their damn trap in the first place instead of saying that. Don't fall for them trying to get your attention.

If they get mad then that's on them, I don't know about some of you reading this but honestly if you have friends like that I'd tell them if they got mad at me that they can kiss my Polynesian ass for wasting my time just for stupid attention and throwing a tantrum about it over me not taking it.

Besides that, don't avoid and shun your friends out when they're really in need of someone to lean on. Appreciate that they're at least coming to you about it (if they are) since they trust you and try helping them out,

Anyways, that's all for now. Goodnight everyone and hopefully your winter break is good if it's right now.

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