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I don't really know where to start off with this rant since there's a lot of things to say about this but I'll just try to keep it together.

Before one of you people who are gay or gender fluid and stuff get triggered at me, have a seat please and don't bite.

Honestly I don't care if you're gay, asexual, pansexual, bisexual, support LGBTQ+ or if you're in the community or any of that. And I don't care if you prefer to be called a girl, boy, they/them, or whatever else you want your gender to be..

This is just my opinion on this topic. Personally, I believe that there are only two genders and you can disagree with me all you want, I respect your opinion even if I don't agree with it. Just don't try to get your ass on me and force me to change my mind because it's not gonna work.

I don't really get the whole "gender fluid" thing and all, and I don't get why people want to be preferred to be called other things when they're either a boy or a girl. I mean, you can change your sex if you'd like since there are transgenders and all..

And I don't really know or think of gender as a whole social thing or whatever people call it since biologically there is only two genders, I don't consider it as a social thing.

What I don't like though is kids who are legit 12 and stuff saying that they're this and that with genders, if they're very serious about it and actually think that then hey that's okay. The thing I don't like though is little brats who do it for attention to be ignorant, you're still growing and stuff so don't do it for attention and shit. Take time to explore if you really are.

Hey though, for others out there that want to be called other things, I'll respect you and call you whatever you preferred to be called. Just don't get mad at me if I accidentally call you her or him though since it'll take time to get used to probably and that'll piss me off too if you get riled up about it.

Seriously, it's just your goddamn gender. I'm sorry if I thought you were a girl or a boy since you have a pp or a vag but don't get all pissed off at me about it just because I called you a male or female.

Other than genders since I don't really know what to say about it because I don't care, I guess I'll get to sexuality.

The thing that annoys me even if I respect it, is pride day. I know that there are still homophobic people out there that are assholes to those who are gay or lesbian just because of religion and shit or something else dumb which is just absolutely over the top stupid,

But is it really necessary to have a holiday about it or something? Sure, being gay wasn't really acceptable back then but nowadays people just rub the whole "LOOK AT ME I'M GAY!" Crap in other people's faces which is annoying.

It's like, we get it you're gay and you like the same gender! You don't have to rub that in our faces all of the time and say that your sexuality is different like a special little snow flake, everyone's sexuality is different and nobody cares for crying out loud.

And it pisses me off when people get angry at straight people for it and shit.

And before any of you get triggered and rant me out saying "YOU DARE SAY THAT ABOUT GAYS YOU TRUMP SUPPORTING STRAIGHT-"

Watch out buddy here's my uno reverse card, I'm Bisexual! OwO

Okay that was just terrible since I just stated that I don't like people rubbing their sexuality in my face, but that was for anyone who gets triggered about it.

You may be thinking, "Rei you just stated that you don't like kids who state that they're gender fluid or gay when they're young..aren't you a kid too?"

Well, I'm almost close to being a young adult and not a little girl who's saying that I'm gay and gender binary. I mean I'm mostly straight, but I don't mind dating girls either but boys interest me more. I guess you could say that I kind of explored it,

I dated a girl one time at least and it wasn't bad. But I was young at the time and pretty shy, and she was even my first date so I didn't really know what to do and I was nervous, she was even a bit older than me which is why I was nervous if she'd judge me. We decided that it was best to just stay friends though eventually. ^^

I've met or seen a couple of girls who were sweet towards me and looked pretty and some of them made me get a little flustered a bit from being around them even if I am shy just like how boys did,

This was before I met my boyfriend though. The point is that some girls before I got with my boyfriend sparked interest in me just like how some boys did to me.

It just depends though on what I'm interested in the person and what I like in that person, I don't really care if the person is a boy or a girl as long as I'm interested in them while knowing them and having both love and affection then of course I'd love to go out with that person even if they're a girl or a boy.

Buuuuuut I'm already taken and have my eyes locked on the one and only person that I love a lot 💙 and that's all I ever need and want~

I don't understand pansexual however, it's a bit tricky since it's like the gender shit where people say, "Oh pansexuals date transgenders or people with different genders so that's why they're pan-"

...But..Transgenders are either a..boy or a girl...and there's only two..genders..

Goodness it's confusing. Asexual on the other hand isn't confusing to me, it just means that the person isn't interested in dating or sexual feelings or anything else like that.

Keep in mind again that these are just my thoughts and opinions on this, I have nothing against gays, gender fluid people, or anything. Believe what you want.

This book is just for rambling about shit that I want to talk about in this book so you know..


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