Having Children

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I'll get one thing straight, I really do like children and think that they're absolutely adorable. The thought of having my own children makes me smile since it'd be a cute thing to imagine. But..

I'm honestly not too sure about having kids when I grow up to be an adult. Don't get me wrong, I like children and it makes me happy thinking about having my own children.

However though, despite it being cute thinking about playing with dolls or a small game with my child if I ever had one, I think about the responsibility of raising my kid if I ever had one.

And that's just the problem with some parents. I mean it's kind of a problem with some of my family members I guess since everyone is having babies considering the fact that my mom has had to go to a lot of baby showers.

Some mothers and fathers think it's all cute having kids and stuff, until you realize what sort of responsibility that you've put yourself into. Think about it, you have to hear crying all day long (depending on how your kid acts), it's expensive for diapers, food, maybe toys and clothes.

You have to raise them under your guide so that they can be a better person than you, and trust me I would never want my child ending up in my footsteps at all. And raising them under your guide can be difficult as they grow older,

They'll meet new people and become interested in either boys or girls perhaps, maybe even both. They will make new friends that might be toxic and giving either stupid advice or doing stupid things that you can't possibly know about. Not to mention hormones that they go through during their teen years. Heck you'd want to protect them from all of that but being overprotective can probably lead them to sneak away and do these things depending on what you do.

Heh, I would know that for certain. Of course.

I personally don't like this part, but disciplining children isn't my cup of tea. I know that some kids can be brats and that's when they have to get an ass whooping or a harsh scolding, but depending on how you raise your child and what you teach them then that can be a problem when it comes to discipline.

Take my step brother for example even if he isn't here, every time he threw a tantrum over something his parents would bow down and eventually kiss his ass while giving something to him.

That took a toll on him too considering how he was back then (hopefully he's better) with being censored about how he is to other people and from being jealous a lot over small things from other people while wanting to have something more than someone else if they had more than him.

People like that don't think right either when they grow up that way. And that's the problem with disciplining your children, you have to have at least a good way to discipline them and raise them in a guidance where they know between right and wrong.

Plus, you have school and other stuff that comes along when raising your own child. Other than the friends, who knows if there are idiotic little prick kids trying to look all cool and pick on your child?

With me personally, I'd talk about it to the parent and if they gave me shit for it then it would probably end up into a fight since I wouldn't allow anyone to be okay with just trying to fuck with my kid.

Besides all of these things, what about serious topics? Maybe some of you probably don't know or went through something of some sort which I'm glad you didn't since things can be difficult,

But for me and what I went through as a kid I'd of course keep a sharp eye out for any fucker that would lay a hand on my child. Especially after what happened to me. That's what scares me though,

Even if I were to have a sharp eye out, what if it's not enough and my child goes through something horrible that they were afraid of telling me about?

I'd do what my mom did and tell them to tell me anything and that I would never get mad or scold them, but if my kid went through what I did then I'd first end up in jail of course, and hide my regret while putting a strong face for my child.

The thought of it is horrible and terrifying to imagine, and I'd at least want my kid to take those situations seriously and not like some tiny little leaf or to laugh and make fun of those that went through it.

Ugh, there's so much more but I don't know. My point being is that even if it's all cute to think about having kids as we grow, you at least need to think through and clearly about the responsibilities that you would have to face and to be prepared for that kind of experience.

And if you're honestly ready for that type of thing, then I wish the best of luck to any of you. UwU

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