Thirsty e-boys & Pricks.

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So, since this is a rant book and I finally came up with a somewhat proper title for this, I decided to rant about it now that it's clear. If any of you have discord (well this is everywhere)

The one thing that annoys me are thirsty e-boys that come around online. I've met a few cool guy friends from different servers that I talk to, one of them finally being okay.

But I've met a bunch that kept calling me cute and stuff, which of course I didn't mind being called cute even if I get flustered/weirded out. But one of them tried to cuddle me until I told them to back off since I have a boyfriend. Get this though,

He still kept asking to cuddle and me not liking being mean towards others, I had to tell him to step down. I got advice from a guy friend of mine though to block him since he's a weirdo.

He's not the only dude though, I actually thought I'd make a new friend with someone since we had a nice conversation to get to know one another. After I saw a pic of him and stuff, he asked if I did nudes and I told him no of course and he stopped talking over that.

Then there was this guy who kept telling me that he was going to masturbate and shit and I just say,"Ok. Didn't need to know that, but ok." Then he tells me that he got head from his close friend and it's like,


Ugh, what's worse is that he got me into the "50 Question" thing that people do which is a bunch of questions you answer. He got to the lewd ones and I said I didn't want to answer, and then he had the nerve to ask me to play lewd Truth or Dare.

Of course, I didn't accept and he said,"Well it's not even cheating." Don't care though, I still have boundaries in my relationship unlike you.

Another guy did that to me with the 50 Questions except not lewd but he just asked me to guess his dick size afterwards and didn't take me saying I don't want to and I blocked him then and there.

There's another freak that's edgy, but he doesn't go all up on me, but I got weirded out today since while we were talking he told me that he had a dream of seeing me naked and I just told him,"What the absolute fuck."

He backed off (sort of..) thankfully but still was fucking weird as hell. And I've noticed a majority of these guys (before most were blocked after being weird) ask me for dating advice since I'm in a relationship. I found that cute since I notice a majority of boys are quite sensitive with dating from being too worried in what a girl thinks, but that's off topic.

Out of the majority of these weirdos was one that tried to get me to snuggle him and kind of didn't back off after I refused. He was a total dick to me yesterday and the day before that but I got him banned from the server that I'm in and got him a taste of his own medicine without trying to fight him. : )

We were just playing around and I was making jokes up until he called me a bitch. I got mad at him and told him to watch his language, it got worse since he told me, "You give so much head you're probably a dumbass Rei." and he kept saying he was doing nothing wrong since the staff was getting pissed.

He even sounded like he was testing me since I'm nice there and he said "Psh, damn she has a harder outer shell when she's angry." Meaning that he probably just pissed me off to see if I would bow down and kiss his disgusting ass.

He said he found it funny how I was getting angry and said shit to me while the staff was trying to calm us down but I finally stayed calm and apologized for how I acted and after that I told him,"Very well, I'll just ignore you. Now that he's blocked, how's everyone?"

That set him off and he was angry that I kept ignoring him and being kind and happy towards the people in the server xD

What's ridiculous is that he told me,"I hope Rei is Bambi." Since my pfp is a Reindeer girl (Get it?) and as much as that pissed me off since he's hinting out he wants my mother dead and with an incident happening, I really wanted to say horrible shit to him for that.

Of course I didn't, because that wouldn't make me any better than him and I'm usually nice to everyone in that server and they would see how I am.

But he kept being annoying and pinging people so he could talk shit to me and just to be smug, I said "*cough* attention whore. *cough*" but I excused myself before doing that in front of my friends. ^-^

After that he tried to apologize to me, I was considering it sort of (not really) and told him,

"Look. I don't want to hear sorry from you, I want you to improve yourself and prove to me that you can manage your anger more. Once I see that from you myself, I'll consider forgiving you."

I was giving advice to him so he could try improving, and I said this since if he does this in person there's others out there who do more than just not forgiving unlike me.

But, yesterday I was down and I told everyone that I hoped that they were okay since I was in a bad mood.

He had the nerve to go in the spam chat and invite his two jackass friends that were kicked for good reasons, and he talked shit about me there.

Now, I didn't care about that but I saw my best friend who I invited there getting angry at him for doing that.

And if you know me, I can take getting shit thrown at me unless you make my friends angry or do shit to them. So I got pissed not only from that, but the fact that he decided to push me around just to test me because I was upset.

I told him that if he was gonna be so damn low and talk shit about me rather than improve, he can take it to dms and that he's still a prick to me and can fuck off.

One of his thirsty ass friends tried to hit on my best friend which got me more pissed and I told him real quick to leave her alone and that she has a bf. As much as I wanted to wish he was in person so I could punch him in the face and throat and then knee him in the head once he fell since I was angry.

He tried to ask if I was single after I said that and I of course said no.

Ugh, I can't stand boys that are fucking thirsty and think that girls will flock onto them when they act that way towards them. They're pathetic.

The prick pushing me around told his friend "Woah, looks like you get so much girls they even go to you when they're angry."

Which made him sound like a fucking pig, I told my best friend to go and be happy since she was getting angry too and I didn't want her being angry while I was upset since I would say something rash while I was in that state.

I was more mad since I found out a sweet friend of mine in that was there kicked the prick's friends out since they asked her for inappropriate stuff.

Thankfully after they were being fools, they all left. But the prick came back and I was finally calm and pulled a little trick called...

Killing people with Kindness. :>

So I stayed happy and enjoyed talking to everyone while ignoring him, he got pissed off from that again and from how he got kicked so the staff had to ban him from how much of a dick he was being.

I wish I said shit since he was mean towards one of his friends that was super nice to him and treated her terribly.

Sadly, this guy is my age (I'm 16) and he lives in my old state that I used to live at. Looks like his parents didn't really teach him how to control his anger though and not to act like such a damn pig around girls.

However, he's banned for now so that's good.

Not to mention that if he tries to start shit once he comes back (if ever) I can just be a dick again and the bigger person by be nice and happy.

So, if anyone tries to be a jerk to you just ignore them and be happy. Low people easily get pissed from watching you not have any reactions towards them being horrible and you being the bigger person in the situation.

: )

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